DIA Europe and the CIA + State Dept. were neck deep in monitoring the French Presidential election in 2012โฆ
Never in our history has this been attempted.
Patriots WW simply needed a 'spark' to re-ignite the engine.
For humanity.
Peace is the Prize
Three weeks from now, I will be harvesting my crops. Imagine where you will be, and it will be so. Hold the line! Stay with me! If you find yourself alone, riding in the green fields with the sun on your face, do not be troubled. For you are in Elysium, and youโre already dead!
Anon is engaged in one right now
Just as there were those who in '16 voted Trump but didn't relay that to the exit pollsters and then "they never thought she would lose".
The steps to the awakening anon knows not, but the awakening persists.
The entire world is watching.
Patriots from around the world are praying for AMERICA.
We are all bound by a feeling deep inside, a feeling that cannot be publicly expressed for fear of ridicule, a feeling that challenges the mainstream (narrative), against that which we are told to accept and dare not question, put simply, that people are being abused by those in power and time is running out.
Remember the battles of Lexington and Concord - "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death!"
For far too long we have been silent and allowed our bands of strength, that we once formed to defend FREEDOM and LIBERTY, to deteriorate.
We became divided.
We became weak.
We elected TRAITORS to govern us.
We allowed EVIL to prey on us.
Those who claimed to represent us gave us false hope, made false promises.
The evil and corruption only grew.
as well as
all pb
When will our voice and vote matter again Q?
It does now, Patriot.
More than ever.
Think 2016.
Think 2020.
Think of the World Awakening.
Think of the World Awakening
And with those thoughts
set in motion
the change you want this to be