The third element of the bathroom.
Liquid gold
"It's called paper." PDJT
Go for the ankles. That's the weak spot.
Just be happy you're alive.
I had Stage IV cancer with a 6 month old baby. Be happy you're alive, like I am.
Gummy finish when I'm ready.
I'm glad, too, Fren.
Name 5 things.
Who's Dan Scavino?
JD Vance can suck Mike Obama's balls.
Jd Vance's dumb boring dumbest should have apologized.
Say "I was wrong. I apologize."
Thanks. I just had never heard of him and I've been around for a while. Good lookin' guy.
I'm the only dude who…
I want to spit on all the coward who call President Trump the Greatest President of their lifetime. Bitch get it right. Picrel
I seent him at a rally.
No. Nunes don't know shit. Scavino is on his way to my house (if he's cool).
Make this MEME or battle Toots.
He done a great job at the RNC. Pretty sure he was lookin' at me one time.
72 hours early for a rally. Enhance.
You're a good kitty, but you're pretty. Totally would level your ass. Toots is your better.
Mr. Pig only showed up after Toots died. Toots is the boss. #TootsAintDead
PDJT hasn't mentioned Truth Social in a rally until tonight.
Speak freely within this bread.
The Earth stopped spinning and to try to prevent people from noticing they started spinning the Sun around the Earth.