What do you think anons, real Trump supporter or actress?
Latest MSM spin on elections:
RePubLicaNs HatE TecHnoLogY
Breaking News: Republicans Want You To Vote Like It's 1822. Fuck Technology - It's Unreliable.
The transgender can't win the argument on genetically based sex, so he switches to politics ("you want to reduce a woman down to her genitals"?)
It's a clever tactic because it instantly makes the man look mean-spirited.
>The United States is the only major democracy that allows private partisan corporations to secretly count and tabulate the votes
And Dominion isn't even AMERICAN, they are based in Toronto.
This was even before 2003, reported by Spin magazine (!)
Printing 7" Record Sleeves on a 1965 Heidelberg Platen Press with Thom Yorke
>Currently 52% of the anons on Q Research are federal government agencies.