kek of the day
you will not enter valhalla for posting that and that is final.
>frame them as a white nationalist
oh yea because the retarded masses have been programmed to believe that every other group on the planet are allowed to have their own in-group preferences and are allowed to assemble unless it's white people because "that's inherently bad and inherently racist" when in fact the term racist has been inverted to have a negative connotation instead of its origin coming from france when it was used as a positive (raciste) meaning one preferred and loved their own race
and instead of reclaiming words to re-flip them back to their positive meaning, weak faggots submit and bow down to the globohomo narrative and bend over backwards trying to skirt around it to appease the left
that's sad, weak, and loser mentality
the very fact that every single piece of media has to write anti-white piece after anti-white piece
shout down every movie or piece of entertainment depicting white culture as evil and bad
write white supremacist hit piece after hit piece
promote and push everything that isn't white driven
means one simple thing - they fear white people
it's all a giant fucking demoralization tactic used against white people
alice and bob on fucking steroids ffs