>not suicide
Death cert will say so, so it doesn't matter what a snowflake classifies it.
>not suicide
Death cert will say so, so it doesn't matter what a snowflake classifies it.
Yes. One reason that anon's can prove it's a movie with marionettes
Weak ass probably had helpers inject numbing agents while chewing carfentanyl just so he didn't feel pain. What a weakling.
Somebody should go paint it GOLD
>hope not
Anon hopes he did have help, as those administering numbing agents will be accessories to murder. Not suicide, but assisted suicide, which is murder.
Trips of truth checked. Most NGO's for the saving of children and the prosecution of high-profile traffickers are actually doing the opposite. Casa, for one.
When they tank so hard they'll do anything to get anyone to watch!
Escape artists laugh at these
Looks like their own medicine works very well against them. All anons should find the local reps on their block and dox and gangstalk them.
Aids and abortion-addicted bitches kept anon from seeking easy poon. A healthy hatred of corps and legalized slavery kept anon poor, so earnable cooz also became unavailable.
No worries, e-bot. You probably get more opportunities for action than this anon does. It's all ok, because all it takes is one good one, then all is set.
Anything that causes death contributes to pop control, so they will use everything dangerous to their advantage