> Who decides though? Who's handing out the scripts?
The 66th meeting of the Bilderberg Group is set to take place in Italy from June 7th to the 10th!
> Who decides though? Who's handing out the scripts?
The 66th meeting of the Bilderberg Group is set to take place in Italy from June 7th to the 10th!
> We all wear a mask
> honest answers from Q
> move on together
You think youre wearing a mask.
Weve been broken
Weve been hanged
Weve emerged out of the fire
We see you
We are legion
t. chan faggot
We have evidence. We just cant be fucked typing it for the millionth time because someone asked.
SA roundup. There you go.
Here read some shit
Or go to 8pol the turkroach is gone, purged by codemonkey.
Or play War Thunder or some shit.