i got to go take a shit but really don't want to spend the next 30 minutes sitting on the porcelain throne
the velocishitter 6 gorillion
they don't use their gray matter, anon
imagine how much man power and resources it'd take to even extract that much to anything significant plus bypass all the other shit that's already put in the water to sterilize it
fantasy land and fairy tales got them all fucked up homeslice
sadly no
same thought when found kek
so is it only "terrorism" when it happens to israel and not the reverse when israel kills women and children?
so then have there been any scientific methods applied to determining this is in fact the case
like taking water samples, etc
then the logistics of transporting and injecting it into the supply if anybody noticed
or, going back to the other sterilization products added already, would that counteract it or neutralize it
there's many different aspects that need to be addressed
only sauces i find pushing that theory are the usual ones that get dismissed as bullshit and it's only giving ammo to the likes of newsweek who just recently published an article about it as of 2 days ago
mother fuckers need their clicks and journoniggers trying to make a name for themselves are all sent here to push one thing or the other so people will search it and get their money and notoriety
anything to take away from the fact that it's all about the money and sending people on wild goose chases in the meantime
pretty easy to tell when something is getting inorganically pushed when you search key words and find the same fucking sites pushing it
and the usury debt slavery wages on as the famefags cash their checks
nobody gives a shit about some low level faggot who sucked dick so he could feel special and doesn't know anything
oh shit because it's not like a bunch of faggots who tug each other off can get on a discord to disrupt an img board or anything
that's simply unheard of
doesn't make the quote any less true you fucktarded nigger
go play real life frogger and get hit by a bus
come on down
we got castle law and constitutional carry here
make it legal and we'll see what's up
>i don't give a fuck about the law here
spoken like a true mason
enjoy your last shekel
ahyuk no guys really they just do charity work and shit
fucking trash