Yeah. Funny how the countries Trump tried to help the most i.e. Saudi Arabia, France, Germany act like the biggest allies to Russia. I wonder if it's just about money?
Yeah. Funny how the countries Trump tried to help the most i.e. Saudi Arabia, France, Germany act like the biggest allies to Russia. I wonder if it's just about money?
Forget calling No table somebody find the chair.
All the money is in the Vatican.
I wasn't talking about Jack specifically. He said the board had been a problem for a long time.
Have you ever seen Hunter Biden, Zelensky or Codemonkey Z in the same place at the same time? They're all obviously super heroes, but what if they're the same person?
I didn't realize my IQ was higher than Einstein. Tony Soprano told me on the idiot box.
IQ tests are easy for the most part. Having you brain connected to neurotransmitter 24/7 is a different story.
I was presented with three different results.
180, 170 and 165, but that's via comms same as my DNA results.
It's never too late to change where you direct your attention.
I think Facebook is the only platform that didn't adopt the WHO algorithms.
Doubtful there will be full transparency, but debriefing could be beneficial learning more.
Who knows? This place is crazy. Back to reddit for me.
Wait until you find out which prospective North Carolina politician hijacked hunter's reddit page.
Time gives relevance to matter we created a way to universally measure it for society's benefit.