I have come to the conclusion that most people either do not believe the Truth or they don't want to hear the Truth.
The last thing that teachers want is for parents to be involved in their kid's education.
They "say" they want parental involvement, but they really don't.
If you've ever had the opportunity to sit in a teacher's lounge, you will hear them talk about how stupid they think the kid's parent are.
When are the arrests, the trials, the prosecutions, the sentencing, the executions for treason?
When will Trump be inaugurated as the Real POTUS?
Angels that are mentioned in the Bible as being in human form, are all men, iirc
Apparently good looking too, because the deviant perverts of Sodom wanted to rape them.
Dominoes falling would be great.
Then trials and executions?
Without executions, they will just keep pulling this same old shit every single election.
Property tax is one of the ways that they keep the Middle Class in line. Debt Slavery.
Half of it goes into the Socialist Public School System for them to waste.
Defund the Socialist Public School System.
That would be awesome.
And audit the schools to see how much money they waste, and how much the useless Administrators earn.
So we just keep lopping along with Potato at the Helm?
Justice delayed is Justice denied.
spelling is not my fortรฉ.
Just a Conspiracy Theory made up by those Crazy Conspiracy Theorists.
Creating virus' in biolabs to purposely make people sick. Double wammy. Kill a bunch of people, then get the people who don't die from the virus to take a vaccine that will finish them off. Sounds like a great eugenics plan.
Is that what this is about?
Republicans didn't storm the Capitol.
It was Antifa and the Feds.
No Repubs. were polled.
Liars gonna lie.
>should be illegal to report this way.
They always find loopholes around laws.
They are destroying themselves with their own lies.
When people laugh at them and don't trust them, they are done.
Government spending is outrageous.
The more they get, the more they want.
They set up budgets so that if they don't spend it, their allotted amounts go down. So they keep finding new ways to waste taxpayer's money.
Find out how much your Fire Chief earns.
How much the Police Chief earns.
School Superintendents and Principals.
Property taxes go up every year, they never go down.
I would say, start by cutting Property taxes in half, at least.
And then hear them all cry, "but it's for the children"
We all have to cut corners to make ends meet in our households while they go on spending sprees.
Time to cut up their credit cards and make them start to cut corners.
Go into a small town and see the houses that the people are living in.
Then look at the Fire Station, The Police Station, The Libraries, The Schools. All state of the Art, while the people suffer and cut corners to pay for all of the Socialist Institutions.
ADHD is the ability to hyper focus.
But the Medical community decided to label it as a "disorder"
Because typical Government Schools are not set up to deal with kids who think differently. So instead of changing the system, just put kids on drugs.
Least Restrictive Environment.
Parent's of Special Needs kids fought for this.
But I worked in Spec. Educ. and it often is not what is actually best for the kids.
Sad really.
Some very high functioning kids, with an aid is ok. But sometimes it's just ridiculous.
Special Education has become a racket.
A Cash Cow for Schools.
They shove kids around in a way that brings the most money into the school, not necessarily what is best for the kid.
>Do we literally have autism?
They tried to destroy us, but we came back stronger.
That is why is has to become so outlandish and ridiculous that even the dumbest Libtard will figure it out.
Some kids start connecting the Santa Dots at an earlier age than others.
They start asking questions and figure out that the Story doesn't make sense.
They are trying to ruin our Country.
It is their goal, their mission.
So what will happen when the Dems. steal the Midterms?
And when they steal the 2024 Elections?
We just keep trying to vote out the cheaters?