Danke Bรคcker!
>talking monkeys did the deed.
Shut the fuck up you brain-dead Yiddish freak!
You stupid pig act as if you had eaten the wisdom with the soup ladle!
>how does it feel to be dead?
I am far from being dead my little Jew nose. You should not always infer from you miscarriages to humans!
>Original anons stick together and Ron Watkins is one of us
Bunch of fucking inferior Jewboys!
>You are wanted around here period.
I'm in high demand all my life by the filthy Jew brood!
>Bolshewicks infiltraded the west,
2000 years ago Jews infiltrated Europe!
>and are on track to make USA
USA is occupied by filthy Kikes since 1776!
>a Chinese style commie state
We already are!
>Ruskies are not commies anymore,
> it is now an orthodox christian state
The Europeans were forcibly christianized by the Jews 1400 years ago!