Anonymous ID: 1c66ae April 25, 2022, 8:17 a.m. No.16150163   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0181 >>0397 >>0489


When OpenAI revealed its picture-making neural network DALL-E in early 2021, the program’s human-like ability to combine different concepts in new ways was striking. The string of images that DALL-E produced on demand were surreal and cartoonish, but they showed that the AI had learned key lessons about how the world fits together. DALL-E’s avocado armchairs had the essential features of both avocados and chairs; its dog-walking daikons in tutus wore the tutus around their waists and held the dogs’ leashes in their hands.


oday the San Francisco-based lab announced DALL-E’s successor, DALL-E 2. It produces much better images, is easier to use, and—unlike the original version—will be released to the public (eventually). DALL-E 2 may even stretch current definitions of artificial intelligence, forcing us to examine that concept and decide what it really means.

Anonymous ID: 1c66ae April 25, 2022, 8:19 a.m. No.16150171   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0397 >>0489

Image-generation models like DALL-E have come a long way in just a few years. In 2020, AI2 showed off a neural network that could generate images from prompts such as “Three people play video games on a couch.” The results were distorted and blurry, but just about recognizable. Last year, Chinese tech giant Baidu improved on the original DALL-E’s image quality with a model called ERNIE-ViLG.

Anonymous ID: 1c66ae April 25, 2022, 8:24 a.m. No.16150205   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0239 >>0397 >>0489

DALL-E 2 takes the approach even further. Its creations can be stunning: ask it to generate images of astronauts on horses, teddy-bear scientists, or sea otters in the style of Vermeer, and it does so with near photorealism. The examples that OpenAI has made available (see below), as well as those I saw in a demo the company gave me last week, will have been cherry-picked. Even so, the quality is often remarkable.


"One way you can think about this neural network is transcendent beauty as a service,” says Ilya Sutskever, cofounder and chief scientist at OpenAI. “Every now and then it generates something that just makes me gasp."


DALL-E 2 still slips up. For example, it can struggle with a prompt that asks it to combine two or more objects with two or more attributes, such as “A red cube on top of a blue cube.” OpenAI thinks this is because CLIP does not always connect attributes to objects correctly.


As well as riffing off text prompts, DALL-E 2 can spin out variations of existing images. Ramesh plugs in a photo he took of some street art outside his apartment. The AI immediately starts generating alternate versions of the scene with different art on the wall. Each of these new images can be used to kick off their own sequence of variations. “This feedback loop could be really useful for designers,” says Ramesh.


Is open AI faggot in the lower colon?


GPT-3 can produce toxic text. But OpenGAI says it has used the feedback it got from users of GPT-3 to train a safer version, called InstructGPT. The company hopes to follow a similar path with DALL-E 2,


OpenAI is also releasing a user policy for DALL-E, which forbids asking the AI to generate offensive images—no violence or pornography—and no political images. To prevent deep fakes, users will not be allowed to ask DALL-E to generate images of real people.


Wake up maudit NPCs

Anonymous ID: 1c66ae April 25, 2022, 8:29 a.m. No.16150239   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0397 >>0489




OpenAI is also releasing a user policy for DALL-E, which forbids asking the AI to generate offensive images—no violence or pornography—and no political images. To prevent deep fakes, users will not be allowed to ask DALL-E to generate images of real people.


Attendez, NPC Fartists

Anonymous ID: 1c66ae April 25, 2022, 8:42 a.m. No.16150331   🗄️.is đź”—kun


One of the long standing open AI projects is alright ie real, opensource.


The other project is a clown sponsored code snaffling stevia-pot, and pustulent clown influence scam.

Anonymous ID: 1c66ae April 25, 2022, 9:03 a.m. No.16150448   🗄️.is đź”—kun

In the 70s, George W S Trow did a book on the subject the destruction of mind and community by media.


Within The Context of No Context.