Isn't Shaun King the WHITE guy who claims to speak for all BLACK people? Someone doesn't want 'Black Twitter' to get equal treatment under the algo.
Controlling the narrative via Social Media is THAT important. Social Media MSM.
I was using the "greater than" symbol. Social Media is more powerful than the MSM, once the algorithm is broken to no longer favor the MSM.
"The People" largely believe in the "clean election" narrative, because of what they SEE on the MSM (local and national). Free speech on Social Media would/will allow the FRAUD to be exposed and for the little people to come together in a unified voice against the MSM narrative which props up the Uniparty.
SM is being controlled by the algorithm though.
Was Twitter "free and open" once?
Why did they implement a narrative control algorithm?
Who let in the bots for further control?
Who started the "Bans" for narrative control?
If the "controls" were removed, would the Truth rear its ugly head?
EM claims he will remove the bots and publish the source-code so it can be cleaned up by anons.
Seems like a good start, no?
Jeez, almost like it was in response to people starting to be awoken to the mass deception…
Perhaps try EM?
When the only media was cable/print/broadcast and it was all owned by billionaires, that was okay, right?
>Musk is a Trojan Horse
His entire brand (House) is one of complete control. Neuralink, connected to a Tesla Pi Phone, churning out Doge coins while Connected to a Tesla Car, loaded with Tesla Twitter, all connected via Starlink, while traveling through a Boring Co tunnel, being "driven" by Tesla AI. Sounds pretty transhumanistic…freedom to be tethered to "The Machine".
If it sounds too god to be true…at the flip of a switch, or change of ownership, that whole "ideal world" changes.
Musk = Not a religious zealot
Trump = "Judeo-Christian"
Who's the Cabal controlled asset?
>Jewish word play to try to trick Christians.
Which explains why Trump keeps using the phrase.