Agreed. Elons money which is not really his is going to be used to fuck shit up. Like twat. Funny shit.
It was a FB load. Bad guy sat. shit.
Israel first for that fuck. I cannot listen to him ever. Boring as fuck and over rated. Hannity wants to eat his ass.
CP was traded on twit. Shit is about to get real. All the secret accounts.. Suicides incoming.
When the Q/Q+ team told him to.
Dunno. I think the cabal loves their wonder boys and making these buillshit darpa clown companies look like they come out of nowhere aka American Dream is their MO. Musk was given a choice. He chose wisely. Cant say the same about Zuckfuck.. Cant wait til he leaves the country. Imagine being these faggots and knowing what is coming because they were told in Q drops and not being able to do shit about.
Says muh chatlog who blocks people who call him on his billshit.
Clowns are not really gov but sort of.