Why does the news keep putting that loser who was kicked out of his parent's house by court order on TV? Such a cringefest.
Faggot, this isn't a poetry slam.
You gotta get to a much lower Thetan count to learn that secret, youngskin.
>Jews are satanists.
That's not at all what Revelations 2:9 says, and the context is sprinkled all throughout the prior pages of the Bible.
Judaism as practiced by those people at that time had devolved into a "I can follow the holy process better than you can". They were simply going through the motions, not for the benifet of their creator, but to show everyone else how much more pious they were. All empty motions, all meaningless gestures.
When your faith becomes a prescription you HAVE to adhere to, there's no point. You may as well be worshiping a golden calf or John Lovitz.
Try to know what the fuck you're talking about the next time you think about making such a broad and ignorant statement.
Historical context, societal norms and the way people thought and expressed themselves at the time.
Try harder, fagtron.