>>16154348 (/lb)
Especially when the game consists of who are harmed more and who harmed less when the TRUTH is exposed to the world.
One side appears to have accumulated power and influence through tricking the world to accept the outputs of an INCONSISTENT SYSTEM.
Any inconsistent system, i.e. any system that can by its axioms and theorems output two mutually exclusive contradictory statements, is 'capable' of outputting ANY statement as 'proved' no matter how ridiculous.
Durham's approach is genius.
Focusing on how the criminal nwo, and all their assets who infiltrated government and media, have INTRODUCED INCONSISTENCIES INTO THE SOCIAL SYSTEM, in other words they knowingly introduced false information, deception, into the institutions of government.
That logic has the ability to sequence jump ALLLLLL the way up the nwo's chain of command, because anywhere orders are made to introduce deception, are themselves parties to introduction of deception.
We don't need to be limited to 'who pulled the trigger.
We can "hop" all the way to the top of the chain of command where the 'Great Deceivers' are originating all the deception.
Nothing can stop a process that consumes all attempts to stop it.