ThanQ Baker!
Posting bullshit lies, day after day.
Was digging on Lod where the Muzzies see the defeat of their Anti-Christ figure. (cool screenshot from an anon)
Came across this interesting tidbit.
The Demon Ba'al
Another version of the demon Baal is Beelzebub, or more accurately Baal Zebûb, which was originally the name of a deity worshiped in the Philistine city of Ekron (2 Kings 1:2)…Thus Baal Zebub was the "Lord of Flies."
Disturbing thing was the picture of Ba'al.Frogs and Mr. Pigspider legs, around the demon to whom you sacrificed your children. (graphic)
This came about because they uncovered an ancient temple dedicated to Zeus in the Sinai Peninsula, reported out yesterday, when we were staring at Elon and Ukraine.
Zeus and Ba'al are thought to be the same person by some.
good vs evilJust like Q said.
Mornin', Swordy!
Calvin Crime clothes by Talcum X
On his deleted Twitter, he gets blasted!
Only Tuesday, and theKekskeep coming!
Was he speaking to American troops under a steel mill in Ukraine?
Shouldn't he have been?