At "Camp Diversity" in California, CRT activists tortured children to convince them they're oppressed.
Adults told Asian boys they had small penises, ordered Hispanics to clean up, and hit kids in the head “so they can feel how it is to be harassed.
The world's worst racists are the loudest accusers, lock these psychopaths up!
This is the gayest fakest gay fake tweet in the history of tweets
Psychos of a bygone era in the dustbin of history.
Chris Wallace: "I've been a victim in all of this"
wHy dO tHeY pErSeCuTe mE sO?
Fuck this victim creating asshole.
Is this what constitutes guiding the flock now you stupid wet matza ball brained faggot?
Former Clinton Aide Has A Dire Warning For Dems
TL;DR: "Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck we really won't be able to walk down the streets, somebody do something anything, we're fucked fucked fucked fucked fucked fuck fuck fuck fuck!"