Anonymous ID: deac96 April 26, 2022, 6:07 p.m. No.16160598   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0610 >>0617 >>0619 >>0709 >>0738

In Musk they Trust


We are just Johnny Depp friends


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


When the internet began and everything was free, the main platform from the Jewish Mosaad in ICQ was a plethera of humans being what they chose to be. You could be your God given name or as most people were, you were whatever you chose to be. One of my Jew friends was Cruella DeVille, a remarkable young woman. I was BOOMER in that time and no one was asking me to authenticate who I was, because none of it mattered and it still does not matter who the hell any one of us are.


So when I saw liberals in a meltdown cover for the NSA's QaMusk platform, I actually bothered to read what Elon Musk wrote.


The quote is below, but for all of you thinking Musk is your right wing defense, it is no different than Deserter Donald Trump, you must be AUTHENTICATED AS HUMAN.


An even more helpful way for the FBI to hunt you down for this new era of crimes like being invited into the US Capitol by police and being charged with terrorism.


🚀💫♥️ Yesss!!! ♥️💫🚀


— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) April 25, 2022


Of Elon Musk was really interested in returning control the public then the return of the public's right to privacy is the first step. It is a reality that when Barack Hussein Obama was hiring Jews to be controls in message boards to shut down comments from Christian Conservatives or Gregory Bretzing was sending out trolls to call for the murder of the Bundy's, that none of that verification mattered. Verification only matters when it is not the agenda of the system breakers.


I will never go near Twitter as the surest way to cause problems for anyone in this life is to register on websites with your phone, name, social security and whatever else for some asshole to somehow gain the information and dox you.

As a personal story in this, I once had someone I was talking to start screaming at me about being a liar. This idiot lawyer violated my trust by phishing for me. The problem was the lawyer detective got the wrong person and was making veiled threats to my children. I have no children but this other person did.

I was in the process of contacting their managing partner and having them tell that troll to cease and desist or I was filing charges against their employee and they were going to be having a lawsuit filed against them for millions.


So if Elon Musk cares to authenticate all humans, then Elon Musk is going to be legally responsible for every Twitter user's safety. That means someone doxes them, stalks them, shows up and rapes then, then Elon Twitter is legally responsible for the platform and the trolls he has on there, as it is no different than Elon Musk handing out loaded guns and posting home addresses of people.


My advice is, to not go near Twitter with an account. If there are links for stories, I will use them as in the past, but I'm not a sucker to have all my data in government files for making 1st Amendment comments.


Never forget Elon Musk is contracted to build SatNet to link all of you up. He is at war against Russia getting Russian murdered. He is DIA. He is no different than Jack Dorsey. He is a ruse for 2022 midterm elections to make you think the next stolen elections for these Judas GOPS are going to save you from all the FBI that goes bump in the Homeland night.


This same group created Q Anon, created Russiagate, created Donald Trump and stole the election for Pedo Joe. Elon Musk is their creation as Chris Wallace, Tucker Carlson or whatever the left puts their trust in.


For those who trust in Musk, it is the same damn ruse that all of this has been.


Nuff Said



Anonymous ID: deac96 April 26, 2022, 6:12 p.m. No.16160641   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0813 >>0820 >>0857 >>0913 >>0934 >>0997 >>1066 >>1174 >>1188 >>1193 >>1246 >>1258 >>1327

Twitter's Woke Tyrant Cries Over Fear She Won't Be Able to Censor as Many People


Tue Apr 26, 2022 Daniel Greenfield Presented practically without comment.


''Monday was an emotional day at Twitter — even for its executives.''


Shortly after billionaire Elon Musk bought the powerful social media platform, top Twitter lawyer Vijaya Gadde called a virtual meeting with the policy and legal teams she oversees to discuss what the new ownership could mean for them.


Gadde cried during the meeting as she expressed concerns about how the company could change, according to three people familiar with the meeting.


Politico ran an article touting the "most powerful tech executive you never heard of" two years ago. Considering this article also comes from Politico, it's a good bet that it's being pushed by Gadde or her allies.


Is Twitter Going Full Resistance? Here’s the Woman Driving the Change: The war between conservatives and Twitter is heating up, in part because of Vijaya Gadde’s unheralded influence on the iconic social-media company..- Politico


Gadde was a lead architect of the policy approach that led Twitter to clamp down on everyone from everyday harassers to the Proud Boys to President Donald Trump, and she’s been out front in defending it, arguing that the shift makes sense as corporate strategy…


She’s pushed for technical changes that allow the company to try sidestepping blunt-force bans and blocks, like attaching warning labels to offensive tweets and limiting retweets to stop the spread of bad information….


When it came to rethinking the free-for-all approach, Dorsey had a ready ally in Gadde. Six months earlier, she’d argued in the pages of the Washington Post that Twitter had to stop sacrificing the collective safety of the service on the altar of the individual’s freedom to tweet…


So you can see why Gadde is upset.


In some ways, Gadde has been preparing for that kind of faceoff her whole life. Early on, says Gadde, she realized there were some ugly things about the world. Born in India and moving to Beaumont, Texas, when she was 2 years old, she recalls learning later that her out-of-work chemical-engineer father was advised by a boss to get permission from a local Ku Klux Klan leader to go door to door collecting insurance premiums.


That would have been the late seventies. Are we supposed to believe there was an omnipotent Klan in Texas in 1977?


Who fact checks the censors? No one dares.

Anonymous ID: deac96 April 26, 2022, 6:23 p.m. No.16160711   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0714 >>0726 >>0729 >>0889 >>0924

Beating Woke Hollywood Means Taking Away Their Copyright Gated IP Empires


''In 1998, Congress passed the Mickey Mouse Protection Act. In a classic case of bipartisan corruption, the bill brought together Republicans, along with Barney Frank and John Conyers, to do a special favor for Disney and for other entertainment industry companies.''


The Mickey Mouse Act (formally the Copyright Term Extension Act) was one of a series of measures that took the original copyright system, meant to protect an author's rights, and instead turned it into a permanent monopoly cash cow for Hollywood studios.


Mickey Mouse, a character created in the 20s, will only become public domain in 2024.


That is if Republicans don’t once again decide to do a special favor for Disney, Warner Bros, and a number of other massively woke and wealthy entertainment industry monsters.


In response to Disney's support for pushing sexual indoctrination on kindergarteners, Rep. Jim Banks has sent a letter warning that the free ride was over.


“It’s hard to believe that anyone would have considered extending the already lengthy term, but there’s no way they will get the ear of any Republicans after their radical political activism. America’s strong copyright protections helped make America great

— they gave our creators and distributors the right incentives to produce content that shows the world the importance of freedom. But Congress should not add to Disney’s 90+ years of federal copyright protection to incentivize its new far left agenda,” Rep. Jim Jordan said.


Disney had spent around $150,000 on members of Congress considering the bill in the 90s. The company these days allegedly spends millions on various direct and indirect lobbying efforts.


If Congress does nothing, Mickey's copyright will expire in 2024, followed by Pluto in 2026, Goofy in 2028, and Donald Duck in 2029. Snow White and the Seven Dwarves will lapse in 2032, followed by classic Disney movies like Pinocchio, Dumbo, Bambi and Cinderella.


Beyond Disney, Superman’s copyright ends in 2033, Batman’s copyright in 2034, and Wonder Woman in 2036. In another blow to Warners, Bugs Bunny goes public domain in 2035.


While the copyrights apply to specific works, like Mickey Mouse in Steamboat Willie or the first Superman comic, it would open up opportunities for independent creators and companies.


Including conservatives and traditionalists who want to recreate American culture.



Anonymous ID: deac96 April 26, 2022, 6:23 p.m. No.16160714   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0718 >>0729



Disney and Warners, among others, would stand to lose billions in profits from these characters. They’ll fight for another copyright extension if they can, and if they can’t, will try to sneak in poison pills that will keep anyone else from being able to use them while bribing politicians left and right. Literally. Conservatives haven’t cared about this in the past. Now they should.


Opposing copyright extension is about more than just punishing Disney for wokeness.


Companies like Disney and Warners have built massive war chests of intellectual property that their current management and even ownership had nothing to do with creating while robbing the original creators, on whose behalf copyright laws and extensions were passed, of the profits.


Last year, Disney's Marvel filed five lawsuits to block the families of Stan Lee, Steve Ditko, and other creators of classic characters like Spiderman, Iron Man, Thor, and many others, from reclaiming copyright. This is the latest episode in a series of legal battles over comic rights (Superman creators Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster were originally paid $130 for the rights) and with the artists, creators, and animators who made the entire comic book industry possible.


Entertainment industry wokeness is built in large part on taking classic characters and “renewing” them by pushing them to be more politically radical, racially recasting them, or killing the characters off entirely and replacing them to prepare for the end of their copyrights.


Hollywood, increasingly incapable of producing popular original stories, is farming properties that are almost a century old to wring the last shreds of profits from them. The industry and our culture would look very different if it didn’t consist of a few companies milking a few characters.


Freeing classic characters into the public domain could enable the rise of an alternative more traditional entertainment industry. And one that might better reflect the values of their creators.


Walt Disney was a Republican. J.R.R. Tolkien (The Hobbit’s copyright lapses in 2033) was a deeply religious conservative traditionalist. Steve Ditko, the co-creator of Spider-Man and Dr. Strange, was an Objectivist. Superman’s creators were Zionists. Many of them would be disgusted by the woke ways in which their work is being twisted by the companies that control them. Few of them would be employable by any of those companies today. Indeed even some living creators, like J.K. Rowling, are being canceled by the companies cashing in on their work.


Copyright laws made it possible for creators to earn a living as full-time writers and artists, but the modern Grub Street exploited copyright by giving creators pennies and then using lobbyists to build copyright empires while making it all but impossible for new creators to get started.


The Mickey Mouse Protection Act already extended copyright beyond any possible lifetime of a creator. Heirs have had to spend years or decades in court battling for any of the profits. There’s no possible moral argument for yet another copyright extension and compelling arguments for preventing Disney, Warners, and other woke corps from permanently exploiting copyright.


Our culture would be better off taking apart Hollywood copyright empires, built on the work of exploited and cheated writers and artists, and making it accessible to everyone. The results couldn’t be any worse than Disney execs boasting of “queering” content meant for children.


Culture is meant to be a common heritage, not a permanent corporate asset.


Gone With the Wind’s copyright expires in 2031. That means people will finally be able to watch it without HBO Max forcing them to sit through a speech on how they’re a bunch of racists. They’ll however have to wait until 2039 for Song of the South to escape from Disney’s vault.



Anonymous ID: deac96 April 26, 2022, 6:24 p.m. No.16160718   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Is there an argument for keeping either one locked up for decades in the thrall of companies like Disney and Warners that despise them and have nothing but contempt for their audiences?


Setting Mickey Mouse free does more than just punish Disney or rebuke Hollywood’s corrupt business model which only exists because enough politicians in California and Washington D.C. have been bribed to make it possible, it frees people to engage with their culture. The entertainment industry is building a world of culture renters who don’t actually own the digital books, songs, comics, shows, games, and other items that they’ve bought online.


The best defense against copyright plantations is liberation. Once the creators and partners have passed on and a work is culturally significant, it should belong to the culture, not to a corporation. We don’t live in a world in which Beethoven’s Fifth is wholly owned by Amazon, all the rights to Shakespeare’s works by Netflix, or the Mona Lisa by Disney.


And it’s a good thing too.


Both our society and the free market are best served by allowing those works to enrich new creations, instead of being locked up in the Disney vault to be perverted more and more.


And Disney, Warners, and other companies, no longer sitting on a monopolistic culture hoard, would actually have to create new things and engage with more than just their own woke set.


That would be good for them, for us, and for the culture.


Republicans are waking up and warning that Disney won’t get any more free rides. Neither should the rest of the entertainment industry. Americans need a vital, diverse, and active culture market, not one in which a handful of woke titans force their political dogmas on the country.


Breaking up their copyright monopoly would free Mickey Mouse and free our culture.



Anonymous ID: deac96 April 26, 2022, 6:28 p.m. No.16160744   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0793

West turned to 'terror' against Russia – Putin


''The Russian president outlined how the priorities of Western countries have changed over the last two months''


© Sputnik / Sergey Guneev


Failed attempts to “destroy Russia from within” forced Ukraine and its Western “handlers” to turn to terror measures, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Monday.


Speaking at a meeting of the Prosecutor General’s Office Board, Putin outlined how, in his opinion, the priorities of Europe and the US in regard to Russia and its military operation in Ukraine had changed over the last few weeks.


First, he said, “high-ranking diplomats in Europe and the United States” were engaged in a “strange diplomacy,” urging their “Ukrainian satellites” to do everything possible “to win on the battlefield.”


Putin was apparently referring to a recent controversial statement by top EU diplomat Josep Borrell, who, following his visit to Kiev, said that “this war will be won on the battlefield.” During a conversation last week with European Council President Charles Michel, Putin pointed to the “irresponsible statements of the EU representatives about the need to resolve the situation in Ukraine by military means.”


READ MORE: Putin explains Russian military's plan in Ukraine

In Putin’s opinion, the West has since changed its goal.


“… As they realise that this is impossible, they try to achieve a different objective instead – to split Russian society, to destroy Russia from within. But here, too, there is a hitch; this hasn’t worked either,” Putin said.


In his opinion, Russian society “has shown maturity, solidarity,” and supports its armed forces and the efforts “to ensure Russia’s ultimate security and help the people living of Donbass.”


After a ‘fiasco’ in the media field, Putin claimed, the West has turned “to terror, to arranging the murder of our journalists.”


He was referring to Monday’s announcement by Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) that it had detained a group of “neo-Nazis” instructed by the Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) to kill popular Russian TV host and journalist Vladimir Solovyov. Kiev has denied any role in organizing the assassination attempt.


READ MORE: Ukrainian plot to kill Russian journalist foiled – Moscow

“In this regard, it should be noted of course that we know the names of all the Western handlers, of all members of Western services, primarily the CIA, who are working with Ukrainian security agencies. Apparently, they are giving them such advice,” the Russian leader said.


He added sarcastically that “This is their attitude towards the rights of journalists, towards the dissemination of information; this is their attitude towards human rights in general.”


“All they care about is their own rights, some cherishing imperial ambitions, others holding on to their colonial past in the old-fashioned way. But this will not work in Russia,” Putin claimed.


While the Kremlin has been accusing the West of attempting to divide Russian society, Western countries have been alleging that Moscow suppresses opposition, independent media, and even dissent in general. This kind of criticism has intensified following the launch of the offensive in Ukraine and subsequent measures taken by Moscow to crack down on “fake news” and so-called “foreign agents.”


Russia attacked the neighboring state in late February, following Ukraine’s failure to implement the terms of the Minsk agreements, first signed in 2014, and Moscow’s eventual recognition of the Donbass republics of Donetsk and Lugansk. The German and French brokered protocols were designed to give the breakaway regions special status within the Ukrainian state.


The Kremlin has since demanded that Ukraine officially declare itself a neutral country that will never join the US-led NATO military bloc. Kiev insists the Russian offensive was completely unprovoked and has denied claims it was planning to retake the two republics by force.

Anonymous ID: deac96 April 26, 2022, 6:32 p.m. No.16160784   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0796 >>0920 >>0997 >>1066 >>1154 >>1174 >>1179 >>1188 >>1246 >>1258 >>1327

Need Tucker Sauce


''Tucker reported that conversations between Kevin McCarthy and Liz Cheney were leaked showing he wanted more conservatives censored on Twitter, like Trump was. He cannot be in any leadership position of the party if GOP win.''

9:08 PM · Apr 26, 2022·Twitter Web App

Anonymous ID: deac96 April 26, 2022, 6:39 p.m. No.16160833   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0836 >>0997 >>1066 >>1174 >>1188 >>1246 >>1258 >>1327




Twitter’s top lawyer reassures staff, cries during meeting about Musk takeover



Vijaya Gadde, a key executive involved in decisions to remove former President Donald Trump and ban political advertising, expressed uncertainty about the future of the platform.


A sign is pictured outside the Twitter headquarters in San Francisco, Monday, April 25, 2022. | Jed Jacobsohn/AP Photo


By Emily Birnbaum and Betsy Woodruff Swan


04/26/2022 03:49 PM EDT


Updated: 04/26/2022 04:37 PM EDT


Monday was an emotional day at Twitter — even for its executives.


Shortly after billionaire Elon Musk bought the powerful social media platform, top Twitter lawyer Vijaya Gadde called a virtual meeting with the policy and legal teams she oversees to discuss what the new ownership could mean for them.


Gadde cried during the meeting as she expressed concerns about how the company could change, according to three people familiar with the meeting. She acknowledged that there are significant uncertainties about what the company will look like under Musk’s leadership.


Twitter spokesperson Trenton Kennedy said Gadde became emotional when discussing her team’s impact and the pride she feels in them.


Sources confirmed that she spoke at length about how she is proud of the work her team has done and offered employees encouragement, urging them to keep striving to do good work at the company.


Senate leadership responds to Elon Musk’s Twitter acquisition


Gadde, who has worked at Twitter since 2011, is the key executive charged with overseeing Twitter’s trust and safety, legal and public policy functions. She is seen internally as Twitter’s “moral authority” and the executive tasked with handling sensitive issues like harassment and dangerous speech.


Gadde played a leading role in negotiating the deal between Twitter and Musk, according to one person familiar with the dynamics.

Anonymous ID: deac96 April 26, 2022, 6:39 p.m. No.16160836   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0997 >>1066 >>1174 >>1188 >>1246 >>1258 >>1327




She has shepherded Twitter through some of its most contentious political battles, including the decisions to remove all political advertising and to boot former President Donald Trump from the platform in the wake of the Jan. 6 attack on Capitol Hill — a position that has earned her devoted fans within Twitter, as well as a large contingent of right-wing critics.


But as news of Musk’s official takeover broke, policy and legal employees fretted at the meeting about what his leadership could mean for Twitter’s carefully crafted online speech rules, including its policies against hate speech, misinformation and even political advertising.


“I think everyone at Twitter, regardless of how they feel about the news, is feeling reflective and emotional,” said one Twitter employee. “We’ve gone through a lot in the past two years and I think it’s generally instigated a lot of reflection. I think this was more of an acknowledgment of the uncertainty everyone is feeling right now.”


Gadde and Twitter did not immediately respond to a request for comment.


Musk’s acquisition, which places the world’s richest man at the helm of one of its most influential social media networks, is one of the largest-ever activist takeovers of a publicly-traded company.


Musk has called for Twitter to truly embrace free speech and hasadvocated for open-sourcing Twitter’s algorithm and removing all spam bots from the platform. Most significantly, Musk has signaled he supports vastly loosening the company’s content moderation policies, suggesting it should only remove content if it is required by law. That would be a huge shift for the company, which has spent years creating elaborate guidelines to reduce the amount of vitriolic and threatening content on its platform.


Gadde herself has advocated strongly for ensuring that Twitter’s policies protect its most vulnerable users while protecting free expression — a position that is at odds with Musk’s.


“I’m often inspired by the vigorous debates on controversial issues that occur on Twitter, but I’ve also been seriously troubled by the plight of some of our users who are completely overwhelmed by those who are trying to silence healthy discourse in the name of free expression,” Gadde wrote in a 2015 Washington Post op-ed. “At times, this takes the form of hateful speech in tweets directed at women or minority groups; at others, it takes the form of threats aimed to intimidate those who take a stand on issues.”



Gadde holds one of the most controversial positions at Twitter: Her teams decide how to moderate content. That’s made her a target of right-wing criticism, particularly when Twitter blocked the distribution of a New York Post article about President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, in 2020. She faced a renewed wave of criticism after multiple reports confirmed she was behind the decision to ban Trump from Twitter.


“No matter what we do we’ve been accused of bias,” she told Bloomberg News in 2020. “Leaving content up, taking content down — that’s become pretty much background noise.”


It’s unclear so far what Musk’s acquisition will mean for Twitter — and for Gadde’s future with the company. Executives at an all-hands on Monday demurred when employees asked about what Musk’s leadership will mean for Twitter’s policies.


During her team meeting, Gadde fielded similar concerns. And several employees left the debrief with a renewed sense of loyalty to her.


“If you look up the word ‘inspiring’ in the dictionary you find a picture of @vijaya,” tweeted senior public policy associate Kennedy O’Brien.


“Grateful as ever for your leadership @vijaya - couldn’t feel luckier,” tweetedCamino Rojo, Twitter Spain’s head of public policy, government and philanthropy.


Many progressives have raised deep concerns regarding Musk’s move to buy Twitter.


The billionaire entrepreneur has “used the platform to attack people, often launching childish broadsides against anyone he doesn’t like or agree with,” said Jessica González, co-CEO of the progressive tech advocacy group Free Press. “And he’s regularly rallied a Twitter mob of loyal fans to follow his lead with more vicious threats and bullying.”

Anonymous ID: deac96 April 26, 2022, 6:48 p.m. No.16160898   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0902 >>1174 >>1188 >>1246 >>1258 >>1327



Anonymous ID: deac96 April 26, 2022, 6:49 p.m. No.16160902   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0915 >>1174 >>1188 >>1246 >>1258 >>1327




Biden pardons Chicagoan Abraham Bolden, first Black Secret Service agent on White House detail

April 26, 2022

Washington News Chicago

Bolden “has steadfastly maintained his innocence, arguing that he was targeted for prosecution in retaliation for exposing unprofessional and racist behavior within the U.S. Secret Service,” the White House said.

By Lynn Sweet

Apr 26, 2022, 9:30am EDT


Abraham Bolden at his South Side home Tuesday afternoon. Bolden was one of three people pardoned by President Biden and was the first Black Secret Service agent to serve on a White House detail. He was charged with offenses related to attempting to sell a copy of a Secret Service file.


Anthony Vazquez/Sun-Times


WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden on Tuesday pardoned Abraham Bolden, the Chicago man who was the first Black Secret Service agent to serve on a White House detail, who maintained charges against him that led to prison time were trumped up.


Bolden “has steadfastly maintained his innocence, arguing that he was targeted for prosecution in retaliation for exposing unprofessional and racist behavior within the U.S. Secret Service,” the White House said in announcing Biden’s clemency actions.


Biden pardoned three people, including Bolden and commuted the sentences of 75 other people serving long sentences for nonviolent drug offenses, who under current guidelines would be serving less time.


“Today, I am pardoning three people who have demonstrated their commitment to rehabilitation and are striving every day to give back and contribute to their communities,” Biden said in a statement to mark “Second Chance Month.”


Secret Service Agent Abraham Bolden, then 29, in 1964 as he prepared to appear before a judge after being suspended and charged with trying to sell prosecution documents to a counterfeiting defendant.


Sun-Times file photo


For Bolden, 87, who served on President John F. Kennedy’s detail, the pardon was a long time coming.


Chicago Sun-Times columnist Mary Mitchell made the case for a pardon in a January column headlined “It’s long past time to finally clear first White House Black Secret Service agent’s name,”


Bolden, Mitchell noted, “chronicled his journey from a ‘first’ to a ‘disgraced’ Secret Service agent in his 2008 memoir ‘The Echo from Dealey Plaza.’”


As Mitchell wrote, “After he complained about agents drinking on the job and showing up unfit for duty and after he threatened to reveal the agency’s shortcomings in protecting the president, he was charged with bribery in a case involving a counterfeiting defendant. After being tried twice, he was convicted in 1966 and was sentenced to six years in federal prison. He served three years and nine months behind bars.”


In an April 2021 column, Mitchell noted that “an assignment that should have brought Bolden great honor ended up causing him greater harm. In his memoir, Bolden describes overt racist acts that began upon his arrival. His assignment became a nightmare after he complained about agents drinking on the job, chasing women and showing up unfit for duty.


“But he became a real problem for the Secret Service when he threatened to reveal the agency’s shortcomings in guarding the president. After doing that, he was charged with bribery in a case involving a counterfeiting defendant, tried twice, convicted and sentenced to six years in prison.


“While Bolden’s life story might sound like a conspiracy theory to some, Black Americans will identify with the brand of injustice that buries its victims under false accusations and legal documents.”

Anonymous ID: deac96 April 26, 2022, 6:50 p.m. No.16160915   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1174 >>1188 >>1246 >>1258 >>1327



The White House, in a document detailing Biden’s clemency actions, described the Bolden case this way:


“In 1964, Mr. Bolden was charged with offenses related to attempting to sell a copy of a Secret Service file. His first trial resulted in a hung jury, and following his conviction at a second trial, even though key witnesses against him admitted to lying at the prosecutor’s request, Mr. Bolden was denied a new trial and ultimately served several years in federal custody.


“He has steadfastly maintained his innocence, arguing that he was targeted for prosecution in retaliation for exposing unprofessional and racist behavior within the U.S. Secret Service. Mr. Bolden has received numerous honors and awards for his ongoing work to speak out against the racism he faced in the Secret Service in the 1960s, and his courage in challenging injustice. Mr. Bolden has also been recognized for his many contributions to his community following his release from prison.”


Mitchell reported in her January column, Bolden “sought a pardon from three presidents — Richard Nixon, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama — and others have worked on his behalf as well.”


A pardon in the federal system is defined, according to the Department of Justice, as an “expression of the President’s forgiveness and ordinarily is granted in recognition of the applicant’s acceptance of responsibility for the crime and established good conduct for a significant period of time after conviction or completion of sentence. It does not signify innocence. It does, however, remove civil disabilities — e.g., restrictions on the right to vote, hold state or local office, or sit on a jury — imposed because of the conviction for which pardon is sought, and should lessen the stigma arising from the conviction.”