victim is no longer a victim?
Kharzarian Mafia allows blacks?
>Kharzarian Mafia allows blacks?
Anons, check this out, how to make cash come flowing to you using the Law of attraction.
Set the intention and repeat this daily see what happens.
"I am so happy and grateful that god willing" (gratitude is the signature of wealth )
"Large Sums Of Money" (I want large sums to come into my experience)
"Come To Me" (Yes it comes to me)
"Easily And Quickly "(You don't want it to be hard and you don't want to wait forever)
"In Increasing Quantities" (You want this to go up instead of stay stagnant)
"From Multiple Sources" (why depend on one source for your money?)
"On a continuous basis" (you don't want to just make this one time!)
'In the best interest of all" (allow money into your experience that is in the best interest of all, you don't want to break the law or hurt others to make it)
"That I get to keep, use, give, circulate, invest and spend joyously!" (Often times you receive the money but then you have to spend it right away, it means nothing if you make and then have to spend it, you can spend it and give it and use it joyously)
>"I am so happy and grateful that god willing"
>"Large Sums Of Money"
>"Come To Me"
>"Easily And Quickly "
>"In Increasing Quantities"
>"From Multiple Sources"
>"On a continuous basis"
>'In the best interest of all"
>"That I get to keep, use, give, circulate, invest and spend joyously!"
The law of attraction is a philosophy suggesting that positive thoughts bring positive results into a person's life, while negative thoughts bring negative outcomes.
Another Mason cop shoot black?
Do they ever ask these cops if they are Masons or part of a secret society?
They want wars
They want political wars
They want race wars.
From Dark to Light
Before I depart, I give ye the Secrets of how
ye may rise from the bondage of darkness,
cast off the fetters of flesh that have bound ye,
rise from the darkness into the Light.
Know ye, the soul must be cleansed of its darkness,
ere ye may enter the portals of Light.
Thus, I established among ye the Mysteries
so that the Secrets may always be found.
The Emerald Tablets
Far in a past time, lost in the space time,
the Children of Light looked down on the world.
Seeing the children of men in their bondage,
bound by the force that came from beyond.
Knew they that only by freedom from bondage
could man ever rise from the Earth to the Sun.
Down they descended and created bodies,
taking the semblance of men as their own.
The Masters of everything said after their forming:
"We are they who were formed from the space-dust,
partaking of life from the infinite ALL;
living in the world as children of men,
like and yet unlike the children of men."
Q, I'm getting close.
Are the anons the Children of Light here to free the Children of men from bondage?
I am currently going through my personal transformation from darkness to light.
The synchronicities are getting stronger.
What a ride
Can you enter Heaven with darkness inside you?
You must let it go and realize we are just here learning lessons. Let go of hate, let go of jealousy, let go of all darkness.
Darkness is not permitted where we are all going.
You think Where we go one, we go all is just a catch phrase?
We are living in Biblical times.
CHILDREN OF LIGHT vs children of darkness.
United against the Invisible Enemy of all humanity.
Enjoy the show fren
What does the Law of Attraction mean?
Simply put, it is the ability to attract into our lives whatever we are focusing on.
It is believed that regardless of age, nationality, or religious belief, we are all susceptible to the laws which govern the Universe, including the Law of Attraction. It is the Law of Attraction that uses the power of the mind to translate whatever is in our thoughts and materialize them into reality.
This is what they have kept from you.
This is the knowledge they have been using among themselves as we slave away kept in fear.
Question anons, will the poop have a terrible May?