Promises, Theory and Question…. It's all about the money.
Some things that Trump achieved:
kept inflation low,
lower gas prices,
refilled oil reserves,
restocked the military,
got rid of zombie government programs,
saved the government billions,
got op warp speed going,
you get the idea.
What would the DS have done instead?
skyrocketing inflation,
you see the gas prices….,
the oil reserves would still have been refilled,
the military would still get stocked,
the zombie programs would still keep going,
government would be in even more debt,
the vaccines wouldn't have come til way later on,
so what's the idea?
Everything Trump did was done to force major corporations in the respective field to spend their money out of sync with each other.
Think about it. What if the DS was planning to do everything Trump did but all at the same time, and then have inflation skyrocket? It would have shocked our economy so badly that it would have crushed any hope for a future with capitalism! at the end of WW2 the Fed came in to play because our financial reserves were depleted. Did the DS plan to deplete our economy to the point that we'd have to borrow from other countries? Or did they plan to break us to the point where we'd gave up our sovereignty for the comfort of being under the wing of the NWO? Bastards…