Tucker:" 'Stop hurting me!' she says as she punches you in the face"
Kek, sounds familiar to Anons doesn't it?
Tucker:" 'Stop hurting me!' she says as she punches you in the face"
Kek, sounds familiar to Anons doesn't it?
SEC_TEST2: Pending
They fail to mention how much they previously OVERCHARGED.
Google the script.
And get better cannabis strain geez, you're asking a dumb question.
Try Strawberry Ice 1.0 Sativa.
>The Batman
Can buy the script for 'The Batman'
Try harder
q aggregator news sites interface with TS which makes them open source.
Do you shills realize what just happened?
From a systems architecture perspective DIGITALLY GLOBALLY?
Imagine you yourself started a social media platform the way TS has and is building.
Do you see what they did?
Anon sees something remarkable.
The contents of a new social media platform, getting higher engagement than Twitter…
What is the USEFULNESS of Twitter at the end of the day?
It's to get people's ideas and voices (MY MIND) ENGAGED with other people's ideas and voices (YOUR MIND), and, reciprocally, you see the usefulness of Twitter as providing that same efficacy for YOUR ideas, voice (YOUR MIND).
With the Q aggregator news sites that interfaced with TS, the users of TS are getting MORE engagement of IDEAS, VOICE (MIND OF USER) with OTHER MINDS.
I don't even have a TS account because I am not an Apple product owner.
Since I have not taken actions to (YET) become JUST ONE MORE VOICE on TS, my experience at this time is that the information is FROM WITHOUT ME and TO ME where I can SEE VOICES BEING CREATED IN THIS MIRACLE OF HAVING A LIFE TO BE ABLE TO EVEN WRITE THIS.
As such, I will NOT presume to know how ANYONE on that platform may think of MY ideas, voice or (MIND), I am happy because I like you and everyone are a gift from the one true source of it all.
Give it any string variable name you want. It WILL be a REFERENCE experience that has been BOTH instantiated by the mind and at the same time a unifying experience with the physical world and PEOPLE around us, because once something beautiful is learned it has to be shared.
I am at this time not going to tell anyone lies like how anyone on TS said something bad about me when they didn't do such a thing. How could I? The information engagement is physically non-current with this syntax being written and understood by wwg1wga which is ALSO a reference variable string that doesn't NEED to have the same SYNTAX OUTPUT CHARACTER BY CHARACTER.
The unification is in the meta-language intelligence node that is this and your mind.
I see TS posts and yet it's only available to a set of elements, people, who own a PHYSICAL PRODUCT that I do not.
And yet I see them.
Their voices are being ENGAGED.
I saw this meme from TS that is on Apple only which I don't even own but can engage the beautiful spiritual experience of information breaking down what we thought were SMALLER PHYSICAL BARRIERS.
It is our mind that made it and sees it and can change it.
God bless Anons and Patriots and and and and I would include all names but I need to stop here and let the "but what Durham DIDN'T mention in his filing was" knee slappers from the counsel of the defendants.
Hey question, the law can be understood by not just lawyers, just like women can be understood not just biologists.
Musk is narrative genius.
What he just did.
He just introduced a narrative where anytime anyone should scoff or smear the new platform name Truth Social (Anon happens to like it because it helps fix slight lisp which Anon can only hear when recorded voice played back…the 'TH' sound immediately followed by a hard 'S' sound…if any other Anon here has similar tongue and teeth coordination opportunities…Anon finds that practicing saying it helps with speech, because it 'trains' my tongue to stay BEHIND the teeth fully and not rest on top of lower teeth, which Anon crying about now but thank you so much TS 😢👍
Was trying to say…
Any time anyone smears the name, everyone can just say "It's because Twitter banned Trump that TS exists"…
And if anyone scoffs at THAT, you just forward the now full private owner of Twitter.
It gets better.
The 'slings and arrows' seem to go back to Twitter but they don't, not now. With that tweet, Twitter PAST became Twitter FUTURE.
Musk redirected all the slings and arrows right back at the deep state who THE WHITE HATS EXPECTED AND PLANNED FOR Trump being banned way back all those…hahaha…not so long ago but time is becoming more 'full' isn't it?
Deep state raging that Tulsi told the truth.
Therefore Tulsi 'fAcES iRe fOr 'PeDdLiNg LiEs'
What a stupid game.
Reason #2 for why the name is awesome.
Once body mastery over speaking the name occurs, the name itself becomes less of a goal and more of a reference, and anyone can say "hey did you get a social truth account yet?"
It's brilliant, because even if the listener believes you 'said it backwards', ok, but then they risk having to say the full name and have to go through the TH then hard S sound with their mouths.
So the likelihood of anyone correcting anyone may be low, or non existent. And haha, even if the ABOVE is misused or weaponized or front runned, and the full name "Truth Social" is sourced with high energy/passion, it would only boost its meme-habbenings-engagement-socially-true information.
So thanks on advance to all shills.
I can say Social Truth platform as a reference string and the object would remain in close to consistent cognitive engagement inter-subjectively, i.e. objectively, that will hopefully meme invoke the same object reference in another mind.
Who is this 'QAnon' the Q haters keep referring to?
Serious question.
Why are all the muhjoo shills using Joan Rivers (who was Jewish) as a source for the 'Michael' story?
I know!
It's to cover for Barry's actual male lover:
'Michael' is a logico-dialectic-inversion-injection to occupy the minds of millions to distract from the truth, which is open source, 'social'…a social truth or truth social sort of thing.
This is a commonly used weaponized narrative smear to trigger a psychological response in the minds of readers that there is a culture of hate acceptance at Twitter…as of 'the hate' is exclusively in an algo designed to filter and suppress all opposing views to the ones that…just happen to exactly match the mind of Schiff for Brains?
Kek, we see them all.
Pattern on the narrative.
Your mind has too much unnecessary noise, divorcing you from actual reality by blocking your awareness of the source.
Your post is self-contradictory you silly stupid son of a bitch.
Just imagine higher levels of psychosis…in many many MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MORE people's minds…
…if Trump didn't win 2016.
Just sayin'.
Things aren't getting worse they're just getting more 'public' and so many of us are still too narcissistic to conclude that we were so ignorant of what has been happening due to suppression of the truth and BLASTING OF LIES 24/7 FOR YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS ON END.
The evil is being dismantled.
The "someone sucks at photoshop" method?
"The unthinkable"
This breaking news just in!
Demon taint linking inbreds always hated Pool for being too far outside the democrat ideological plantation, and their only playbook is to smear and besmirch a man's appearance.
More news at the top of the hour.
Later on we'll have a guest who we heard is going to ask What are you? A basement dwelling squash trying to score short term dopamine rush to stop the relentless self torment that is your daily life?
All this and more.
Georgia State Elections Board FINALLY Issue First Subpoenas to True the Vote on Ballot Trafficking Investigation INCLUDING INFORMATION ON ALLEGED WHISTLEBLOWER
This is why they need censorship. Without it, they can't get away with this.
Browsing Gab is like standing in the middle of MOSSAD headquarters for psychological warfare.
This site's sole purpose is to divide every Christian from Christianity.
Yorba the front man puppet of what is clearly an intelligence agency operation weaponizing strings and syntaxes to smear and divide people based on religion, actually wrote this smear accusation:
This creep's playbook is the exact same as Free Speech Systems, LLC.
Yorba is an actor whose job is to 'guide the flock' into hatred and resentment and FOREVER division between Christians and Jews.
Anti Jew posts always seem to be bumped to the top of 'brand name' posts that have larger numbers of followers.
Look at this vicious invective, of not only smearing MAGA and Trump followers as passive do nothings, but of narrative that SPIRITUALLY DIVIDES JESUS FROM MUSK AND TRUMP AND EVERYONE WHO READS THAT NARRATIVE.
This site "Gab" is an Intel agency front whose sole purpose is to ideologically divide people by religion.
These people are snakes.
Anon now wait for the site change the pic, kek.
Their NEED for symbolism will be their end,
Wait, wait hold on, by 'supported 2020 election conspiracies' MSDNC isn't suggesting that these two MI Republicans believe that Biden won do they?
They believe those conspiracies!??!?
They're conspiracy theorists?!?!?!
Oh no!
When anon sees saved screenshots of notables from 4 years ago…with no text…almonds activate
I think this is Q/Q+ having fun showing the supposed 'syntax real meaning controllers' that despite the entire fake news going after Trump, HE INVENTED A NEW WORD THAT IS NOW MEME-ING IN A LOOPING PATTERN.
What new word have any of the Great Deceivers invented, other than wet fart sounds?
False dichotomy mos, try again.
Yes and No.
>Even MAGA normies are crying about limiting "hate" speech and needing moderation
Is this really supposed to 'work' on people who read this board?
Truth: The pic of the gentleman you posted, Anon cannot presume to know his own inner thoughts.
Anon sees division code designed to 'constrain' any possible ruleset into a 'two-sided' 'compelled' 'logic'.
If not this then that.
If not that then this.
Well yeah at a basic logic level these two axioms or theorems or functions are CLASS STRUCTURE CODE, they're not OBJECTS, which are INSTANTS of a class.
Your code conflates templates with instantiations.
Your architecture will necessarily fail and have bugs.
Learn to code.
People's ideas can only be gleaned through ENGAGEMENT OF CONSCIOUSNESS AS THEY ARE.
Which logically leads to: WHO IS REALLY THE SOURCE OF AN IDEA?
You can't IMPLEMENT A CLASS with a set of MUTABLE methods and can instantiate MUTABLE OBJECTS, and then expect that every object be identical with ONE side of YOUR SOURCED DIALECTIC such that the 'only' one I could have in my mind is the other!
I do not see myself as in the first place divided from you. The whole 'jew and goy' narrative is just again one class and instance pattern of dialectic projection over and over.
What can you possibly do, narrative wise, against this Anon, when this Anon sees us as united no matter what theorems your complex formal system is outputting?
How can you 'override' that, without introducing your own division code dialectic that has nothing to do with what is in my actual mind and heart?
Humanity is Unity.
Party time.
Come on!
Welcome to the Great Awakening.