What research have you done to verify your speculation?
I've seen proof JA was in the embassy in FEb 2018. I don't have the link. It's up to you to find it to verify.
It's hard to separate when we are fed so much disinfo. The link you posted is def false because we saw with our own eyes that Hannity interviewed JA, not once, but twice.
We also have the illegal surveillance vids of JA inside the embassy, this year. I wish I could remember exactly what the meeting in Feb was about, but he was there. Until sufficient evidence comes to light to prove he isn't, we should assume he is being held captive and the London Embassy is guilty or severe human rights violations.
> a few Assange vids were clearly deep fakes
They weren't fakes to me. Matter of opinion.
not a legit source
Can't scratch the Embassy part since that is where he is living. The Ecuadorian Embassy in London. Equador was the only country to offer JA asylum. He is wanted in the UK and US. Dems want him for publishing their dirty little secrets. Since Equadors poltics have changed, JA is now in dire straits. He is actually wanted in his homeland, AUS. Which is why he went to London to begin with.
Not really sure why this is all being brought up again. London has blocked all visitors and cut off all internet connections. JA revealed how those 2 gov't were spying on him.
Recently, JA asked to speak to Schiffy about coming to the US. But Schiffy will only see him in jail. Doesn't give him many options.
I saw that clip. But what does that prove, other than it was edited? Does it nullify the whole interview? Do you believe Hannity when he says the interview happened? Do you think they shopped together scenes from Hannity and scenes from JA with the same background together to fake a shot of them sitting in a room together? For what purpose? Why would Hannity be in on the scam?
C'mon anon. Interviews are always edited. THINK!
You want to argue about editing without bothering to answer the questions. What exactly are you trying to say? That JA is not at the embassy because you think there were faked interviews? Even though both parties say the interviewed happened?
Tail wag the dog.
Without proofs, we can't rule in or rule out anything. Your scenario is possible but not likely, given the other events since that time. While we would want that to be the case, I don't think it is. Especially since he has appeared in Feb of this year in London.
You could make an argument that all of it was just a show. But what is the purpose? Why go thru all the expense for that pretense? He was safe at the Embassy, so that would not be a logical answer.
Let me ask another question. UK is not our ally atm. They have guards posted at the embassy. Don't you think if JA had mysteriously disappeared they would make it an international incident?
Also, he is wanted in the US. I don't know what the charges are. Those who want to believe in happy ever after should looked up the charges JA is facing. If they are legit charges, there is no way in hell Potus would authorize harboring a criminal.
Let's try to keep it real anons.
WTF Anon!?! You have reading comprehension problems?
Instead of answering legit questions, you want to try and accuse me of something I didn't do. Just like a fucking libtard. You're not worth the time.
why do you always come here to promote your twitter account? You don't see anyone else doing it. Leave your twitter and ego at the door.
Agreed. Nothing can be proven at this point, which is how I started this convo. Let's wait and see. I'm hoping SR comes out early in June instead of late. Will be good to finally have some answers and maybe justice.