Guys, pains me to say it. Q might be fake fake fake psyop. While Q has us trying to map out clocks with dates and twitter timestamps we haven't accomplished anything significant in the last 2 years. WikiLeaks has been totally watered down. Remember Vault 7? What significant reveal in the last couple years?
Tell me, why won't Q just come out and leak the truth? Why so many puzzles and riddles? What is the point? If we the people have the power… why not give us real information and mobilize us to go do something? For example, if Parkland shooting is fake psyop "a test" like Q said… why not get a lot of us together and march on DC and demand Congress shut down false flag psyops by the CIA. Expose it for what it is.
I've gone back and forth on Q but the way this has played out since November, I'm struggling to see how this Q op has done us any good at all. Obama, Roths, Schumer, Clinton, Netanyahu, Merkel, Pope, Queen… none of them look worried at all. They are all safe. Please tell me how am I wrong?