I'm more apt to believe wikileaks is controlled opposition at this point, not everything they put out before was unfiltered and a few Assange vids were clearly deep fakes. In this world of spys and seeking truth, it pays to take everything with a grain of salt until it proves itself worthwhile. I'm glad Q is here, guy is like flashlight for us and just keeps proving himself.
You can clearly watch in some of his vids that objects pass through others where they shouldn't, one anon also pointed out a blatantly obvious one where Assange's collar folded into itself.
For the record, I don't believe shit the MSM says and that definitely includes Fox. I doubt very much that Hannity and Assange have ever occupied the same room, let alone at the same time.
Didn't the open knowledge of deep fakes start circulating on the net around that time?
Safe to say it's been around for a long time then.
No more adrenochrome for them.