mic 1 check
mic 1 check
It's Alive!!!!!!
Who is following this story?
Anybody else think this guy was an MK Ultra programmer?
psychiatrist - check
Boulder - spook central -check
killing witnesses/evidence - check
Skin of the Gods
Golden Annointing Oil from the Ark
totally bruh
Loose Change is controlled op.
Dances around the truth while building walls around the real truth.
I believe they accept the use of planes in that one.
SPACE, space goes out, not up.
Research toroidal electromagnetic fields. As above so below. Ever seen the Truman show? Soft disclosure. How about the tombstone of Wehrner Von Braum? Psalm 19:1. The "firmament" is really a magnetic energy field. POTUS knows. There is more earth beyond our outer rim. Mars is most likely a sun that powers new lands. That is why POTUS keeps talking about colonizing Mars and starting the "Space" force. It's literally "outer" space.
I'm not a shill or a flat earther but I am willing to question everything and open my mind to the possibility that we've been lied to. If you disagree well then Fuck off and keep scrolling. I'm just throwing this out there because I find it interesting and I am trying to expand my thinking.
7 stars actually.