Just say no to cybernetic equality from muhsatanshills
I bet those unprosecuted murders create a lot of false righteousness which is speculatively the devils playground 🤔🎻
It is a 'fractional distillation'
The rhetoric is tainted with unprosecuted murderers
Muhsatanshills slighting pedovores for cia coverups of murdergate, such chaos, such diarrhea
How old is that murdergate @skullandbones
Must buy shirt
Gestapi #murdergate got real weird w/ California 'longevity' treatments
'Keep a sharp eye on those pathogens" ~diehard1234
Valorhoggs /r more contemptible as with sympathy hoggs , crisis actors, pedospammers, unprosecuted murders in politics, pedovores, muh trannyshills, muhjoosshills , muhsatanshills etc
Ode to FEtards
@talmudhookers learn your siddur from a pickle jar
The FBI was founded from the pilfered Osage tribe,
After Roswell
It became a honeypot for muhsatanshills
What if the cia is really just a club of roth murder junkies
Dumb piece of data
If ya don't spit on their altar stuff they keep showing the stupid infomercial
Sell sell sell the sizzle asshole
Frump and bushes paid for that birth certificate with cia cocaine money 07,
You face is tarded and you sound dumb
Muhrascitshills are prejudiceshills of muhsatanshills
Whitepeopleuseterrorismformuhsatanshills and mayonaise
Muhsatanshills maintain a bkacknarket of chemicals , after an 'accident' they raised their prices by raising the stakes on the help
Six weeks after an "accident"
(((They))) knew it wass too cold for launch
And even overpressurized the gaskets before launch