Muh "unexpectedly" was less damage in [their] eyes from the constant drip drip drip mass psychosis technique which they routinely use for their mass manipulation during Jimmy Carter's first term of office, e.g., planned inflation, recession, long lines for gasoline, gas price steep rise (FF Gulf Tanker attacks) e.g., muh "national malaise" topped off with the "October Surprise" of frustration over Iran's on-off-on-off failure to release of U.S. embassy personnel Sept. thru Oct. (perceived, as planned, Carter failure over entire first term) and sudden release immediately after Reagan's inauguration. Let's not forget Carter's attempted assassination by The Ferocious Wild Rabbit swimming menacingly towards Carter's fishing boat which Carter, in a panicked fear for his life, had to beat back with an oar. I kid you not, new fags. Look it up. Likely, Poppy's WH plumbers (recruited anti-Castro, Bay of Pigs, Dealey Plaza gang which couldn't shoot straight) laced Carter's fishing pole with the LSD left over from lacing Teddy's steering wheel at Chappaquiddick. This was more of a character assassination.