directly declare itself to the public. That the movies are recognized as a
tremendous propagandist institution is proved by the e~gemess of all sorts
of causes to enlist them. There is ample evidence that the Jewish
promoters have not overlooked that end of it. This propaganda as at
present observed may be described under the following he ad s:
It consists in silence about the Jew as an ordinary being. Jews are
not shown upon the stage and screen except in unusually fav orable
situations. This ill-concealed propaganda of the Jewish movie
picture control is also directed against non-Jewish rel ig ions. A
Jewish rabbi is never depicted on the screen in any but the most
honorable attitude. He is clothed with all the dignity of his office
and he is made as impressive as can be. Christian clergymen, as any
movie "fan" will readily recall, are often subjected to all sorts of
misrepresentation, from the comic to the crim.ina l. This attitude is
distinctly Jewish. Like many unlabeled influences in our life, whose
sources lead back to Jewish groups, the object is to break down as
far as possible all respectful or considerate thought about the clergy.
The Catholic clergy very soon made themselves felt in opposition to
this abuse of their priestly dignity, and as a result of their vigorous
resentment the Jew climbed down. You now never see a priest made light
of on the screen. But the Protestant clergyman is still th e elongated ,
sniveling, biljous hypocrite of anti-Christian caricatures . He is made to
justify his deeds by appeals to " broad" principles-whichre a ll y k ill s two
birds with one stone; it degrades the representative of religion in th e eyes
of the audience, and at the same time it insidiously in oc ul a te s th e
audience with the same dangerous ideas . A Hebrew ma y not be de pi cted
on the screen as the owner of a sweet shop-though all sweet shop
owners are Jews; but you may make a Christian cl e rg yman any thi ng fro m
a seducer to a safecracker-and get away with it. Remembering what is
written in the Protocols, a question arises . It is written: