>Germany ended up eating turnips
Well, Coca Cola Deutschland make Fanta from beets, but what's wrong with turnips?
>Germany ended up eating turnips
Well, Coca Cola Deutschland make Fanta from beets, but what's wrong with turnips?
Who is she and can she sing?
Or will she have to rely on autotune?
Anon sees an anal scented candle in her future.
>Animal fat is the key ingredien
Shh, wtf are you saying?
Animal fat is bad, transgenic soiboi oil good. Get with the fucking program.
And, whatever the fuck you do, avoid Pemmican like the plague.
That shit's gonna kill ya.
And what exactly does this floozie have to do with Kate Hudson?
Shh you'll be accused of being fattist.
What a coincidence. I have no relationship with Qanon either.
2nd Codemonkey claims no relationship with Qanon.
From when I was teaching a newmemefag how to meme back in the day.
Fuck me, just when I thought your cringe couldn't get any more cringe you turn around and outcringe the lot.
Well played.
Don't be fucking retarded.
You should know by now that there are no girls on the internet.
Oh, ffs, the cringe intensifies.
And there was me thinking I had already filtered your arse.