Anonymous ID: 12ae5b April 28, 2022, 6:54 p.m. No.16173881   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4226



Moonshot used social media to generate potential designs for a drug that could target the coronavirus’s main protease, the same enzyme blocked by Pfizer’s powerful Paxlovid antiviral. Enamine agreed to conduct lab work for the project at cost, shipping molecules weekly for testing in the U.K. and Israel for nearly two years.


What does that mean, "the project used social media to develop drug designs,,"? Scientists sharing information publicly on twitter? Sounds weird an unnecessary, doesn't it? Maybe secret comms also on Twitter? Open source drug design seems like a way to gain trust of people who are suspicious of companies like Pfizer, etc.


'''Paxlovid" was mentioned specifically in the press releases about Kamala. Wasn't one of the Twitter Doctors surprised she was taking it?

Anonymous ID: 12ae5b April 28, 2022, 7:46 p.m. No.16174226   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4349 >>4457 >>4470 >>4477 >>4537



OK back to Covid Moonshot crowdsourcing drug designs.. .


COVID Moonshot is an international consortium of scientists drawn from academia, biotechs, contract research organizations (CROs) and pharma, all working pro bono or at cost with funding generated from crowdfunding (, philanthropy and bootstrapped grants. Unencumbered by intellectual property concerns, it aims to rapidly develop easily manufacturable antiviral drugs that can inhibit the SARS-CoV-2 main protease. All data and structures are made publicly available.


So the patents would never happen, and thus they are working on drugs that would wouldn't need patents, and result in outlandishly expensive medicines, and keeping big nasty businesses out of the way of medical progress for all of humanity. Sounds nice.


But there's a couple little problems.


The COVID vaccines were and are still free, and

they're receiving their funding from the following outfits:


Wellcome Trust

Believe it or not, these guys are with the World Economic Forum


COVID-19 Therapeutics Accelerator (CTA)

These guys are also part of the World Economic Forum


Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

nothing needs to be said here.



These guys claim to be self-funded through their very own investment portfolio, like the others. No connection immediately found with the WEF, but I'm sure they're just another charitable slush front that is a front for Nazi NWO and global depopulation agenda.


"As long-term investors, we allocate our investments across a diversified portfolio spreading our risk across many asset classes, including global equities, fixed income investments, private markets, infrastructure, real estate and hedge funds." [sounds legit, right? Just another money laundering mechanism to feed cash to the bioterrorist research network needed by the globalists to cause a die off of humanity]