Noticing Senpai
Senpai may not have noticed us, but we've definitely noticed senpai
Has senpai noticed you? Are you sure? WOW. We are SO happy for you.
If you understand what we're talking about you might be an anime and/or manga fan. Or spend a lot of time on Tumblr. Or be a millennial. Or whatever comes after the millennials (which is probably Generation Z, but the jury is still out on that designation).
In informal use, 'senpai' can refer to anyone whose attention you want to get—that could be someone you admire and want to be friends with or someone you're interested in romantically.
In informal use, senpai (also styled as sempai) can refer to anyone whose attention you want to get—that could be someone you admire and want to be friends with or someone you're interested in romantically.
Senpai made its first appearance in Urban Dictionary back in 2004, when a user defined it as "an upperclassman." Other entries (a number of which mention anime and manga) have since been added; it's defined there variously as "someone older than you," "someone you look up to," "mentor," "senior," an "older person who you adore." There are more.
The top definition (as chosen by users) is "someone who will never notice you."
it’s none of those reasons, and not in those generations or genres, I actually want anons to get another definitive proof, or as POTUS says, “determinative” proof!
But it would make my day, year and possibly life, so yeah, “notice me Senpai”!
I usually never fixate on things, but I watched a Larry Bird documentary months ago, POTUS was doing a rally the next day and I thought it would be odd enough (like tippy top), that it would be cool.
dĭ-tûr′mə-nā″tĭv, -nə-
Able or serving to determine: synonym: decisive.
Having power to determine; limiting; shaping; directing; conclusive.
tables presenting the specific character of minerals, plants, etc., to assist in determining the species to which a specimen belongs.