Many people find themselves in a failed relationship
It often goes thru similar stages
This is one such stage
The woman has had it with the man
She kicks him out
Of course even if she gets him to leave, he will ALWAYS come back for another shot
The key is to keep the focus off of you (the woman)
And firmly focused on him (the man)
He will want to engage in all kind of intellectual and emotional arguments
He may cry
He may yell
He may be nasty
He may be sweet
He will try all kind of tactics, often so fast before your very eyes you can hardly believe it.
This in and of itself should be a big clue to the Woman that the Man is not worthy
The woman can explain to the man that women are “yin”, and men are “yang”
That means that women are “inner” as opposed to men who are “outer”
Woman tend to look INSIDE for answers
Men tend to look OUTSIDE for answers
A woman in this situation needs to explain this to such a man or he will NEVER STOP trying to get the answer from YOU his OUTSIDE answer
She must repeatedly tell him his answers are INSIDE himself.
YOU DO NOT HAVE the answers he seeks.
He may and probably will go so far as to say he will KILL himself
If you are at this stage in the process this is just a giant uncontrolled TANTRUM
If he carries it out so be it
If you wish to join him fine, do so
If you do not wish to join him make sure you distance yourself from him and keep it that way
This is a paradigm of FREE WILL
You each are responsible for your own actions not someone else’s.
STFU with the drama, it takes two to tango
This would of course apply to any two people, two males, two females, or male kicking female out. Due to the fluidity of yin yang it would be up to you which roles each took in the above scenario.