Firing those even remotely involved in censorship and election steering need…. pic related. Firing a 17M dolla a year executive does nothing in terms of PUNISHMENT. They need to be PUNISHED. THere needs to be JUSTICE. Scott free means crime pays and it pays at 17M a year.
wow just wow- you sure were left wing biased tho-
Fuck You Jack. When twitter suspended me I said no. I am leaving. Monitize my big fat nothing. Suspending me for retweeting German citizen vids of the muslim rape of cologne while allow muslims to feature vids on how to beat your wife is the height of lack of awareness, misogyny, anti-christian, and anti-woman.
how about some PUNISHMENT. 17m a year I could retire on for YEARS. Where's thepunishment?
stuipd illegals. or Stupid Criminals or stupid both. Dey nevah lernt do dey
AMEN Preach it brother. 1MXlikes