A Prayer Of Spiritual Warfare.
Strengthen my faith, Lord. Forgive my sins, so that I may be clean in your righteousness. Make me brave, so I can stand and fight the spiritual battles in my life and in our world. Give me your wisdom and discernment so I won't be caught off guard. Together, Lord, we'll win, because in truth, you already have. While evil still roams, the power of Your name and Your blood rises up to defeat and bring us victory against every evil planned against us. While malicious actions may disturb us, we use the armor of God You have given us to stand firm. You will bring justice in due time for all the harm and needless violence aimed at Your children. Until then, we remain in Your presence, aligned with Your purposes, and we look to You as our Supreme Commander and Protector. Help us to avoid temptation, and deliver us from evil, Lord. You are the Mighty One, the One Who will ultimately bring all evil to light. With You, Jesus, we are safe. Amen
so sad and so true. someone here once put it like thisโฆโฆโฆโฆโฆ
The world is heading towards what it deserves, towards the fate it has written for itself. And we all are there riding on this ship of disaster.
But we are still here, and we can make a difference. We can still make a difference. But it starts within yourself. And if enough of us can change, can redirect, can transform our inner soul into something of what it was meant to be, supposed to be, and less of what it has devolved and mutated into, then the world will change, and the fate of all will change. All you need do is repent, re-align, redirect, refocus, andโฆ be reborn. We are each meant to be something far closer to the divine than we have ever imagined or been told. But it begins with the ultimate of humility: to recognize the fallen and grossly imperfect state we have come to. To face the mess we are in, to accept the responsibility we have for it, is the first step in the process. To see the glorious outpouring of Love that is there, waiting for each of us to return, to Him, to Him! This is the second step you must take. Do you understand?
We are each like a transceiver, a spiritual transceiver. We choose what to tune-into, what to receive. We also choose what to broadcast, what to send to others. We have received the wrong programming. We then send out the wrong programming. And all of us, together we are creating this terrible noise of evilness and stupidity and destruction.
But the more of us, individually, as we stop and search, and we find the right frequencies to tune-into, those of love and beauty and goodness and justice, of truth, each of us a small individual will join together with another and another and another and anotherโฆ. It shall all begin to change. A cascade of positivity and Light will begin to shine forth into the world, this world that finds itself falling headlong into darkness.
very nice, ty. the importance is greater than can be imagined, huh?
oh im sorry. too subtle
dont be stupid. nobody is speaking for you. disregard/ignore and shit on it all you want.