woodward trying to get some more shekels again
everyone knows it's your tribe members who started the wars
and for what? for international bankers and arms dealers to profit from while preventing nations from being truly sovereign and looking after their own citizens
it's this type of thinking that america can't withdraw from the international banking system to produce its own colonial scrip at debt free and interest free rates, that america can't withdraw from the globohomo NATO/UN/WTO/IMF and every other multi-national entity to start looking after its own citizens again "or else it will start another major war" that has turned everyone into frightened, coddled, little spoiled bitches who cower at the very thought of independent responsibility and self governance
there was a time when americans weren't afraid of shit
when children could ride bikes around the neighborhood with their friends without helmets and elbow pads because we knew that a couple of scratches and bruises bred toughness and strength
a time when the world wrestling federation allowed politically incorrect characters and blood to be shown on their show
don't think there's people who don't understand what you elitist pricks are doing by making everyone soft and so emotional that they lose their shit and are willing to take someone's livelihood away from them because they were called a fucking faggot because some of us know exactly why you're doing it and you can lick my huwite american shaft up one side and down the other then swallow the fucking gravy when you're done