New T on TS
RT'd Catturd
New T on TS
RT'd Catturd
Clif High - World Economic Forum a Failing Criminal Organization
Clif High Published April 30, 2022
Janet Reno is a tranny too. Makes sense.
The US started the work here, outsourced the final production to China, and then ordered delivery of the final product. All the countries are involved in this depopulation agenda. It is a fear op to get people to take the shot so they will die from profitable diseases.
That's a good song, I like the lyrics.
>How in the hell has the latest wild Trump Truth gone unnoticed this long?
I posted it moments after i came up but it was ignored.
Interesting that he rt'd a catturd post also.
Still not sure what @melmel is about. The instagram has no posts.
oh shit. Where's my glasses?
New T on ts