I’m watching Ukraine on Fire, and I can’t finish, I’m so pissed! Its sickening disgusting and obvious our country is being destroyed by the same despicable manipulation and killing.
This has to stop!
I’m watching Ukraine on Fire, and I can’t finish, I’m so pissed! Its sickening disgusting and obvious our country is being destroyed by the same despicable manipulation and killing.
This has to stop!
This is awful to watch, but thank God some people are alive.
Our Gov is lying and either killing and/ or arming and letting Ukrainians kill their own people. This is sheer evil!
This has got to stop
Kirby is an asshole, totally incompetent and a perfect match with Austin and Milley. They should all appear with the muppets.
No one is accepting @Jacks mea culpa, what did he think people would do?Thank him for bringing Elon in, when he was incapable of fixing it? Unbelievable when you really think about it.
Good news, this meansparents are pulling their children out of public school
Good news, Discovery cutting CNN (not CNN+ thats done). Who do you want first Stelter, Chris Wallace or Lemon?Mine would be Chris Wallace for the horrible optics he’d have to endure.
Too many people are waking up to believe Kirby is upset by anything. Very few Ukrainian flags in bios these days and thats a good thing. Trusting anyone from the Pentagon to have feelings of despicable acts, is like asking a cat to care about you. If they were larger they’d eat you in a moment. (Although I like the cute cat videos and memes)
These parents just doomed their child to a life of unbearable pain and suffering or suicide within a couple of years. How do they know it wasnt the teachers influence on the child?These parents should be put in jail. Why not let him be gay, it wouldn’t destroy his body and mind at the same time?
If we traveled back to 2010and asked the most liberal person in America if a man can become a woman they would say no. This isn’t hard.
Ask the most liberal Americans from 2004 if they believe abortion should be legalized, subsidized and celebrated through all 9 months + beyond. The answer would be no.
You think a Dem today could get elected to a nationwide office by being pro traditional marriage like Obama did in 2008?
You think a Dem 10 years ago could have gotten away with supporting gender and sexual indoctrination of kindergartners?
You think open socialists could have controlled the Dem party just 10 years ago?
Pre-2012, could Dems have gotten away with being the party that supports deadly riots, defunds the police & pushed for reparations? We know the answer, peeps
Does Chuck Schumer still talk about the importance of securing the border like he did in 2013? Does Biden talk about the need to keep our streets safe from crime? Is Hilary still talking about safe, legal & rare abortions?
8:22 PM · Apr 29, 2022·Twitter for iPhone
An answer from a reader to her, its shocking how stupid women are today
If @Jack is asking for mercy, first he needs to beg God for foregiveness, he caused the hell America and the world are going through now. And he’ll have to renounce satan.
No one is buying it!
After looking at this explanation of their positions and pictures, I’m sure Bidan is hiring those who should have been in insane asylums, if they existed now; and trying to drive Americans insane.
Yikes, but its worse than that, every toad, cabal asset and former Obama admin that sought to destroy our country, are back in power.
Surely God has a plan to save us soon. I believe Lord, help thou my unbelief!
God Almighty of Heaven
Restore our country and world to your blessings and grace. You know my prayers Lord, make your will be done today.
We will continue to be your warriors always.
Amen, and bless the pepes of biblical times
Thank you and may God answer all our prayers