There seems to be no depth too low for evil.
Even though I know in my mind that such evil exists, I just don't get it.
Beings that do this are not human.
There seems to be no depth too low for evil.
Even though I know in my mind that such evil exists, I just don't get it.
Beings that do this are not human.
Jimmy Hoffa?
Sorry. Late to the discussion.
This particular can kiss my ass. I truly despise this evil sack of crap.
That is a fatalistic attitude. We cannot continue to sit by and let children be tortured and murdered.
Our weapons are memes, written communication and our relationship with celebrity anons.
There is always something evil going on in AZ. Lived there for two years and hated every minute. Illegals, meth heads out the wahzoo, serial killers, sex perverts of every kind. It is a shit hole.