Still waiting.
anon doesn't go for the
"they are all actors"
"They all work for Trump"
"They are already dead"
Maybe some are taken away.
But just as easily they could be in hiding for safety?
Looks to me like RAW NEWs went belly up today.)
anon is open minded, but haven't seen the evidence yet for what you are saying.
The creeps, the Cabal are huge; and they could be just as easily be replacing their people with actors :/ clones? if any get taken out? Or decide to go to hiding?
Hard to know whicth.
They could be just told to step down, as we were told would happen?
The doubles are working for the bad guys.
that's what makes sense to me; not that they work for Trump
Brian Cates, who I think is an idiot, has been on that jag for years.
Why anon doesn't like it?
The Trump Haters will just fall over themselves with "Omnipotent Trump" "He did it"
Some friend already said to me whtn the mUeller verdict came out ~ Trump's such a bad ass manipulator and crook that he's paid off Mueller to let him go.
The Cates idiocy plays right into that insanity.
Propaganda; and too coincidental; anon thinks it's deliberate.
does that look like their image of the bio-weapon?