Anonymous ID: 093242 May 1, 2022, 5:05 p.m. No.16192145   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2162 >>2166 >>2198

>>16192036 >>16192104 >>16192074 >>16192037 >>16192114 >>16192094 >>16192084 >>16192064 >>16192027 >>16192012 >>16192002 >>16191991 >>16192015 >>16191980 >>16192038


Well since nunya faggots helped, here's the fucking method!




This came out in a bread many nights ago, good luck, I admit I have not tried it


Truth Social when you aren't an Apple user


  1. Open Chrome browser


  1. F12 button or right click mouse Inspect


  1. Console will open, select three dots on right side More Tools >Network Conditions


  1. Deselect/uncheck "Use browser default"


  1. Under "Custom" enter TruthSocial/44 CFNetwork/1329 Darwin/21.3.0


  1. Click arrow next to User agent client hints


  1. Scroll to bottom and select update


  1. Leave console open and paste in browser address bar


  1. Click truth social icon (upper left) - Sign up - wait in line