Anonymous ID: 7bcff6 June 3, 2018, 11:32 a.m. No.1619378   🗄️.is 🔗kun

No Hillary! Haiti is not for sale to your family.


Haiti riches are public assets to be used to elevate the collective economic standards of local Haitians, not your brother!

Foreign earthquake aid to Haiti was put into the World Bank and divvied up by the Clintons and the Bushes. On top of this, Haiti’s gold, copper, silver and oil assets were auctioned off to big businesses and nations donating to the Clinton Foundation.

The George W. Bush, Jr. administration first brought in the US military occupation outsourced to the United Nations as peacekeepers in 2004. This force helped to take down Haiti’s democratically elected government and since that time Haiti has been ruled under a veiled US military occupation, hidden behind UN guns, Paul Farmer NGOs, the World Bank and other Breton Woods institutions.

Susan Rice has publicly stated,

“The truth is: the UN Security Council can’t even issue a press release without America’s blessings.Haitians demand an end to the US occupation behind UN guns and NGO/World Bank administration. So, no Hillary, your BROTHER cannot have our lands, our mines, our gold, our oil, our uranium, our labor, our wealth.


Haiti is an international crime scene for the masses.


In the eleven year of its occupation in Haiti, the US has brought in cholera, then gone to court to claim its neutrality and to defend immunity for its UN employees.

It’s brought in dictatorship and the resource pillage we see in the news today where Hillary Clinton’s brother, Anthony Rodham, was given one of two rare mining permits to take Haiti’s untold billions in gold. This was done without the Haitian public’s participation or consent and it’s renewable for 25 years at the lowest 2.5 royalty rate in the Western Hemisphere.

Article 36-5 of the 1987 Haiti Constitution and other relevant Haiti law, forbids foreign ownership of Haiti mines, coastal properties, springs, rivers, water courses, mines and quarries. These are public assets of the nation. Mining exploration may not be allowed without public participation, legal and parliamentary approval.

US imperialism in Haiti did not begin with the Clintons, but under the Obama administration, Bill and Hillary Clinton brought the World Bank into the UN, not only to collect Haiti quake funds that mostly never reached Haiti, but the World Bank was used as the Clinton/Obama front to unilaterally amend Haiti’s mining laws to benefit Wall Street, the Clintonites and their foreign affiliates without Haiti public participation or Haiti legal approval.

The Caracol Industrial Park, the Clintons’ flagship reconstruction project in Haiti, is nowhere near the earthquake zone in the South. Caracol was built in Northern Haiti’s gold and resource belt.

The 25,000 units of housing that was to be built for quake victims went down to 2600 while the price tag went up from $53 million to $90 million. Five-years later, there’s only 750 shoddily built units completed. The housing for the quake victims at the Caracol complex are flooding, the roofs leak and the drinking water lines to the houses are crossed with the sewage lines. Obviously the luxury housing for foreigners, living at five-star hotels and gated Caracol and Port au Prince communities, built with the Clintons’ earthquake funds, do not experience these horrendous USAID/Clinton era construction “mistakes.”

Also, knowing full well the international market would not support it when China will accept much less labor costs, There are less than 1500 jobs at Caracol. The women garment workers have been holding protests for over a year because even the lowest (61 cents per hour) minimum wage in the Western Hemisphere that Haiti was forced to agree to by the Clintons, have not been paid to the Haiti women workers. .

Haitians at Caracol and surrounding areas have no reliable electricity, sewage system or clean water infrastructure. But the Clinton’s South Korean industrialists and other foreigners imported to Haiti at Caracol have all the amenities not provided to Haitians in the gated communities where they live in Haiti

The three questions Haitians ask US citizens to consider are:

What’s so important in Haiti that the US would built its fourth largest embassy in the world there, while funding a UN proxy occupation force for over 11-years now?

Haiti has the lowest crime rate and the lowest prison population rate in the Caribbean if not the entire Western Hemisphere.Why is there a UN, Chapter 7, shoot-to-kill “peace enforcement”€ mission in Haiti for over 11 years?

Haiti has trillions of dollars in natural resources – gold, oil, natural gas, iridium, copper, et al”€“ why does Haiti need Obama/Bush/Clinton’s meager 41cent an hour sweatshop jobs or US charity (false aid) with so much of its own resources to develop the local economy?