>Would never go after either GHW or DUBYA.
>He Loved D. Cheney.
>Didn't Support TRUMP until POP started to rise
It's more likely that Hannity was completely out of the loop until Trump won the election.
So, as an entertainer (and that's all Hannity is) he had to hedge all his bets.
I can't stand Limbaugh either for his support of the Bushes.
But, I'm inclined to believe that Limbaugh was also out of the loop because they are just entertainers … nothing more.
And neither of them are nearly as smart as they think they are or they portray themselves as being.
I'm still very cautious because Hannity works for Murdoch. But I think Hannity is now /ourguy/.
I haven't listened to Limbaugh in years, but his blow-job rich attachment to the Bushes makes me suspect he is Deep State.