>>16193203 pb
>>16193634 pb
"Ministry of Truth" totally illegal in USA
There was an original contract that contracts would be good.
Nobody has to obey a contract, right? Especially if there is zero enforcement? Why would crooks and liars obey a contract?
So they go ahead and make a censorship contract to empower themselves?
Taking away the rights of the citizens under "color of law"?
Isn't that a Capital Crime? Under Federal Law?
Just as they ignore the law(s) about the border, or the laws against fraud and lying to Congress (Hillary and her entourage); And enforce or attempt to enforce "laws" that haven't been broken, and overlook their own?
They will ignore the law guaranteeing us Freedom of Speech.
Think of it; Could that be why James Comey made a speech at the beginning of POTUSDJT's term wherein he claimed , in public, and on tape (for the record of his crime?) that there was no freedom to refuse to answer a question put to a person in a Court of Law (5 amendment of our Constitution) and that there was no right to Privacy either (4th Amendment)?
They also stage shooter events to give a pretense so as to take away the Right to bear Arms (2nd amendment)
The people who are erasing all contracts are crooks so naturally won't abide by any agreements.
"You will have nothing and you will be happy?"
So they claim ; the "happy" part is a lie.
"Real Raw News" was a "gotcha" set - up
Jim Stones decides that Real Raw News fraud is more evidence (to him) that the "Q research" is fake.
What do you expect? He believes in "AJ" ?
As if "AJ" isn't a total fraud who himself is an actual impostor and flip-flops on his info repeatedly? Also pushes fear porn as he behaves like a ridiculous angry clown?
Stones; also an "It's the Jews" guys. .Yet follows "AJ" ?
How does that work out?
Some good insight on his site however, he's just weak on 40K analysis (and is a sucker for clown "AJ" - who "knows" Q , played golf with him doncha know? ) ; and maybe a "doomer"; (others have said so) which might cause him to underestimate Trump?
(anon likes "doomers" if they are honest, and anon thinks Stone is)
Does he even know "Q team" tagged him as a Patriot in a Q & A ?
Here's the Ministry of Truth "contact" between Countries from Stone's site .
THINK: If Bidan Admin is illegitimate, how can they seal a contract in the name America?
Contract is on its face void since contradicts USA Constitution.
Is it more obvious now why the plotters need to get rid of our Constitution? Is getting more fake Justices into the SCOTUS part of their plan?
REAL RAW NEWS served to smear our work here, for some people; those who fail to realize all what is covered here; between the shill and other [necessary for free / open forum] garbage postings.
Jim Stone might be unaware of all the subjects covered that are different and superior to Real Raw News fiction?