>built Matt Lauer his rape office.
>Lovely People
dam sun
>Q is the sauce
thats not how sauce works
>nuff said
I have something to say
>stop hassling the baker
all bakers are niggers
that is the DEFUALT position
>or it's D for you
I would have said fake and ghey
but you did it for all of us
>OSS was smarter than this one.
>why do you say that?
because its impossible to please everyone
so every baker who has ever baked a single bread has taken shit from some anon, for some reason
sometimes deservedly
sometimes not
but the logical positions still stands
baker = nigger
and I bake, anon
dont get it twisted
>sounds like you're saying every baker will be seen as NIGGER
your picking up what I am putting down anon
>probably why more anons don't bake
this has been true since the beginning of the internet, and likely all the way back to the beggining of the Talmud (the orignal pen-n-paper chan board)
and /qresearch/ has seen period of time with much more baking support than it currently has
a factor indeed
but IMHO the current situation has more to do with board management
the bannings/deletions will continue until the bakers return
anon bakers dont like spam
dontcha' know