>>16195540 pb
>>16194062 pb
only 50K methinks he misses some?
also, how come he still has a twit account?>>16195007 pb
The gloating over the suffering of the enemy and trying to prolong it is what should be avoided! That would be and action appropriate to the sadist crooks?
As POTUS DJT wrote? to paraphrase `'Quick trial, speedy execution.'
>>16192547 pb
some kind of occult tag?
"Downard?" or is it Michael Hoffman who wrote KingKill33?
the whole piece is no longer easily found on the Internets. One has to buy it from Hoffman?
I remember it spoke about BAIN' - the name having occult significance; so I went back and got some caps;
There's a McBeth name discussed in realtion to BAIN
(the no name play that is cursed and the name of which is to never be spoken in the theatre, since it's a cursed play.)
and Downard or whoever wrote it (co - written with Hoffman?) explains the arrangement with the Scot clans.. Bane connects with McB*th)
see attached.
(I've long thought the "karma" of DJTPOTUS connects with the story of the killing of "Duncan" )(mcBath)
The informant in the club 1001 vid talks a lot about "Duncan" - accordingly, "Duncan" the murdered King, is equivalent to Jesus there, and is a joke to them.
Same cult killed King Jesus ("KingKill maybe that's why they cover the fact he was a King?)
The search was triggered by this picture of Romney giving Rand Paul the evil eye (after reading up on BAIN, it gave me the idea that's what it was - a jab with the eye, indicating intention to harm? Maybe more to it for the occultist? Implies a threat to harm? or Harm?))
So I re-looked up the KingKill article.
There's more the dig led me to; Thing leads to Johnson family of Dallas, involved with killing JFK.. Baines was middle name of Lyndon.
The wife was "Lady Bird" - some say there's evidence she was an occultist?
And there's BAIN in the Comic series?
Bain, the word itself is old Saxon word that means:
A murderer, a slayer, a killer of Men
Destruction, Ruin.
BANock Burn is the site of the killing of King of England, Edward 2.
Is there a connect between Romney, the Church of Latter Day Saints and Occultism? Do some FreeMasons practice a sinister occultism?
Is the Romney Church, some part of it, involved with genealogy / breeding people? Choosing matches , etc.
Do they have sex inside their Temple? Ritual Sex?
Are many Church members involved with the C[]A , as rumored?
Isn't a Church considered the most "squeeky clean" of them all, perhaps a good cover?
Why does Romney give Rand Paul the "evil eye"?
What is he up to?
Why does he hate DJT POTUS and vote against him?
>>16195527 pb
no investigation
but it 'was not murder'
>>16195540 pb
'love' ?
Love' as knowledge is true if you are a yogi
Love is its own language, its own reward, its own complete life
but will lose in the competition with knowledge on specific fields.
It's an old argument.
each side thinks theirs is the best path.
a 'jnani' one who pursues the path of knowledge, knows that courage combats fear;
why do you think they are called 'snowflakes'
they can't hear the truth because they are too afraid.
they are on a different path than that of the path of Knowledge.