muh neoplatonism, look it's a penis, military might, to crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women. a good ole dicking of the nation
Stop lying, moron. Even if you were right, that would just be proof that the psyop worked just like it already has with the "muh hygeine" because parents can't talk about keeping it clean.
Old testament has a lot to say, but the point of it being included is to be grateful Christianity isn't Judaism. Not only that, Jesus said to buy a sword and sell your shirt, because they lived in perilous times. You don't get that way by forgiving everyone, you understand that, right? Jesus had an autistic fit at MONEYLENDERS in the temple. Did you know that in the citystates of Rome the mints were in the temples? Like Tyre for example. Tyrian silver like what was used to pay Judas with, are you slowly beginning to see what happened exactly?
Idiot, you think anything I've said other than quoting Jesus or that Judas was paid with is irrelevant and falsified just because you can't abstract the message from the signal without getting your atheistic panties in a bunch?
For a delusional "well educated" person, you suck doorknobs like a simpleton, to the point that you can't even counter the point in engaging in a debate.
COMMERCIAL SPAM! Because Jim is afraid of other sites and thus compromises his morals such that the merest mention is enough to get him to turn into a Nina Jankowicz censor!
Commie breadlines don't have bread. Thus the begging. Imagine a world where sustenance is not as sure of a thing as it is now, and to be thankful for what you do get, expressing it as a prayer before feeding. Though you can call it begging now, but how long would you go without before you decide semantics are silly?
What I don't get about neoplatonists is why if the religion is derivative of general astrology, is one form less correct than another? If you want the first by time, then you would be worshipping the moment the first man breathed and opened his eyes. Right? But you do not, because you're too stupid to figure out that the capacity to think means that before was shit, so you worship the monolith of big brains, loving the way we cognate things and express in communication, disregarding as dumb primitive what "came before".
Like, it doesn't make sense even considering the religion as it is in your frame of context.