The 4 nays leaked it. There's got be some sort of breach rule.
Looking to instigate a shitstorm.
They going to call it racist as 70% of black pregnancies are aborted.
Bumbling Fucktard Bill and Potato Biden must have made perfect sense to one another at lunch.
How hard is it to this as an enemy of 'the state'?
Oh yeah Team Potato has been for 15 month.
The Jews and Niggers will revolt.
52% of Americans don't either.
As I said the Jews will scream the loudest.
Could be scheme by Roberts to foist filibuster?
Jew Sanders already talking about removing filibuster so congress can codify it as a law with 50 votes.
Mudshark Rainbow hairs will be the street forces and jigs will join them to riot.
Shoot to kill.
Oh you know it.
As i said the 4 nays side leaked this to cause chaos.
Sotomayor and her clerks need to be held for inciting the violence to come.
All planned out.
This ends with case being codified in law by senate with 53/47.
Plus filibuster gets nixed.
This is actually domestic terrorism as opposed to parents at school board meetings.