Rape is the only exception to the abortion rule, last time I checked a couple of years ago.
Does this mean that the media maggot bitch is done lying about trafficking survivors and mocking them and being overly concerned with their looks, age, financial status, weight, and the way the survivor is dressed? That would make my mood comfier.
If he does, who's the crazy one?
Freud propagandized the false claim that women secretly fantasized about being raped. That's a head shrink for ya! I don't listen to or believe a God damn word that vomits from their nazi mouths.
No, it isn't. I was born and raised. It hasn't been red since childhood. Cali is owned by the cartels now. If I thought there was hope of saving it in my lifetime, I would have stayed but I couldn't get the hell out of there fast enough. That state is one hell hole of a trafficking haven that protects TRAFFICKERS.