ok thenโฆ all you anti-abortion faggots can pick up the tab for the thousand extra federal penitentiaries we will need when they stop aborting all the black ho babies.
abortion โ think of it as proactive capital punishment.
without all the innocent white victims.
UNLESS you're a virgin or a child, being forced to have sex when you don't really want to is about as bad as being forced to eat pizza when you're not really hungry. if that's the worst thing that ever happens to you in your life, you need to fall on you knees and thank whatever passes for God in your universe. get over yourself.
if a guy says "take your pick, fuck me, or i'll punch you in the face," and you choose the fuck, YOU'VE just admitted that it's not as bad as a punch in the face. get over yourself, karen.
>there's a lot of dubious date rape allegations.
>The violent rapist is another thing
agree 100%. i'm NOT trying to justify rape. but it's time to put it into perspective, ESPECIALLY the draconian punishments meted out.
they USED to hang a man for stealing a horse. the punishment for rape dates to a time when a woman was considered property, like a horse.
the crime of rape was not even against the woman, but against the man she belonged to. no one was ever hung for raping a saloon girl.
it's WAY past time that the punishments were brought into line with modern times. a large fraction of women dress like cheap whores and obsess on flaunting their sexuality.
they wear low cut tops and then bitch if you look at their cleavage, as if they can be as provocative as they like, but men are only allowed to look were they say.
it's WAY out of control, and needs to be addressed. yes, it all comes back to the relentless MSM programming and who is behind it, but that's NOT and excuse.