Anonymous ID: c5608d May 3, 2022, 8:07 a.m. No.16201521   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1536


Jan 06, 2019 12:32:35 PM EST

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 38db44 No. 4627556


Why was she 'selected'?

Who appointed her?

Remember [her] history.

Ref: 230-page book called Sex Bias in the U.S. Code, published in 1977 by the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights.


>Called for the sex-integration of prisons and reformatories so that conditions of imprisonment, security and housing could be equal. She explained, “If the grand design of such institutions is to prepare inmates for return to the community as persons equipped to benefit from and contribute to civil society, then perpetuation of single-sex institutions should be rejected.” (Page 101)

>Called for the sex-integration of Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts because they “perpetuate stereotyped sex roles.” (Page 145)

>Insisted on sex-integrating “college fraternity and sorority chapters” and replacing them with “college social societies.” (Page 169)

>Cast constitutional doubt on the legality of “Mother’s Day and Father’s Day as separate holidays.” (Page 146)

>Called for reducing the age of consent for sexual acts to people who are “less than 12 years old.” (Page 102)

>Asserted that laws against “bigamists, persons cohabiting with more than one woman, and women cohabiting with a bigamist” are unconstitutional. (Page 195)

>Objected to laws against prostitution because “prostitution, as a consensual act between adults, is arguably within the zone of privacy protected by recent constitutional decisions.” (Page 97)

>Ginsburg wrote that the Mann Act (which punishes those who engage in interstate sex traffic of women and girls) is “offensive.” Such acts should be considered “within the zone of privacy.” (Page 98)

>Demanded that we “firmly reject draft or combat exemption for women,” stating “women must be subject to the draft if men are.” But, she added, “the need for affirmative action and for transition measures is particularly strong in the uniformed services.” (Page 218)

>An indefatigable censor, Ginsburg listed hundreds of “sexist” words that must be eliminated from all statutes. Among words she found offensive were: man, woman, manmade, mankind, husband, wife, mother, father, sister, brother, son, daughter, serviceman, longshoreman, postmaster, watchman, seamanship, and “to man” (a vessel). (Pages 15-16)

>Wanted he, she, him, her, his, and hers to be dropped down the memory hole. They must be replaced by he/she, her/him, and hers/his, and federal statutes must use the bad grammar of “plural constructions to avoid third person singular pronouns.” (Page 52-53)

>Condemned the Supreme Court’s ruling in Harris v. McRae and claimed that taxpayer-funded abortions should be a constitutional right.

Who are the doctors 'currently' treating [RBG]?

What other political [former/current] sr. political heads are they affiliated w/?

What 'off-market' drugs are being provided to [RBG] in order to sustain minimum daily function?

What is the real medical diagnosis of [RBG]?

Who is managing her care?

Who is 'really' managing her care?

The clock is ticking.





Feb 10, 2019 8:24:09 PM EST

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 994a42 No. 5114108

Why do D's push to fund [PP] using taxpayer dollars ($500m/year)?

Where does the money go?

Past political donations of [PP]?

What is the process of disposal re: aborted fetus?

What regulations (who monitors) are in place to ensure that process is being followed?

Why is there a new push by D's to legalize late term abortions?

See past drops re: [PP] re: Congressional report (WARNING: GRAPHIC)

This has nothing to do w/ a woman's right to choose (tactic they deploy when challenged to activate liberals/media hysteria).

The focus is on the organization itself.

Ask yourself a very simple question:

Given the amount of evidence demonstrating illegal & disturbing activities by [PP]- where is the FBI investigation?


What senior political officials are providing cover to [PP]?

Will action be taken by DOJ/FBI?



Anonymous ID: c5608d May 3, 2022, 8:09 a.m. No.16201536   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Jul 10, 2019 1:03:12 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 5479e7 No. 6982028




Reality is hard to swallow.

FAKE NEWS keeps you asleep (sheep) and fixed in a pre_designed false reality (narrative).

Google altering search results to 'support' the pre_designed narrative and 'prevent' (make harder) for one to learn the TRUTH?

Those (w/ influence) who challenge the narrative are banned, shunned, threatened………

[Planned Parenthood is GOOD]_narrative

[China is NOT a threat]_narrative

Do you know the market price for a fetus?

Correlation of market price & days old of fetus/baby?

As age (days) increases so does the value?

D's block 'born alive' bill?

Planned Parenthood political donations?

What party?

Do you believe this has anything to do w/ a Woman's Right to Choose?

Welcome to the Real World.




Feb 25, 2020 11:41:34 PM EST

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 5fdb22 No. 8251341




Jul 01, 2020 8:11:14 AM EDT

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 81f0ab No. 9810442



Why would [D]s block a bill that stops infanticide [allow abortions up to point of birth] and does not provide new restrictions on abortion itself?

How is taxpayer funded [PP] allowed to donate [large sums] of taxpayer funds to select members of [D] party?

Is this about a woman's right to choose OR SOMETHING ELSE?